Listar QF - Conferencias Científicas por fecha de publicación
Mostrando ítems 21-40 de 43
Complejidad de caminos en polímeros supramoleculares
(2018-07-04)La construcción de estructuras supramoleculares de tamaño, forma y función específicos está presente en muchos aspectos de la química, la ciencia de materiales y la biología. La interacción de moléculas mediante fuerzas ... -
Transporte de carga de sistemas tipo escalera (ladder-type) en transistores orgánicos de efecto campo (ofets)
(2018-11-15)Las moléculas π-conjugadas tipo escalera con estructura plana están recibiendo un enorme interés como semiconductores moleculares o como unidades constituyentes de otro tipo de estructuras más grandes o polímeros para ... -
Fulerenos endoédricos: nuevas estructuras, mecanismos de formaciόn y reactividad
(2018-12-20)Clase científica sobre la versatilidad químicas y reacciones químicas en fulerenos endoédricos: nuevas estructuras, mecanismos de formaciόn y reactividad -
Cristales amfidinámicos y máquinas moleculares
(2018-12-20)Charla magistral sobre el estado del arte en máquinas moleculares y sus aplicaciones -
Nanoformas de carbono moleculares quirales
(2018-12-20)Charla magistral sobre la química en fullerenos quirales y sus propiedades. -
Understanding Cross-Conjugation for Organic Electronics
(2019-01-24)pi-Conjugated organic molecules have been the focus of interest since they have been probed as potential semiconducting materials,[1] suitable for replacing the widely used silicon technologies. Their structural, optical ... -
SERS and plasmonic photocatalysis dependence on excitation wavelength
(2019-03-06)The SERS enhancement factor (SERS-EF) is one of the most important parameters that characterizes the ability of a given substrate to enhance the Raman signal for SERS applications. The comparison of SERS intensities and ... -
Raman Spectroscopy on Plasmonic Materials: Recent Advances and Applications in Molecular detection
(2019-03-26)Plasmonic Enhancement of the electric field is the basis of the Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering technique (SERS). This technique is based on the localization of light in the nanoscale occurring in plasmonic materials and ... -
Cholesteric aggregation at the quinoidal-to-diradical border enabled stable n-doped conductor
(2019-06-04)Semiconductor materials constitute the heart of solar cells since they are responsible of the photovoltaic effect. For this reason, the search of new materials to improve the efficiency and stability of these devices is ... -
Tuning the Diradical Character and Singlet-Triplet Energy Gap in Diindenoanthracene Derivatives
(2019-06-13)Over the last few years we have been utilizing the indenofluorene scaffold1 and, more recently, pi-extended derivatives2 to explore diradical character on a fundamental level. Altering either the center acene core or the ... -
Espectroscopía Atómica y Tecnologías Cuánticas
(2020-01-16)Los átomos presentan una estructura electrónica “sencilla”, lo que los convierte en excelentes candidatos para la manipulación con luz de sistemas cuánticos. Sin embargo, el movimiento de los átomos (ensanchamiento Doppler) ... -
Vibrational Spectroscopy with neutrons: applications to bio-based polymers and deep eutectic solvents
(2022)Se van a descibir los avances de los estudios basados en la dispersión inlástica de neutrones (INS) sobre la estructuración de polímeros bio-compatibles y disolventes eutécticos. La técnica INS permite obtener una información ... -
Probing Biosystems by Vibrational Spectroscopy: From Human Cells to Bones
(2022-01-14)The research activity of the R&D Group Molecular Physical-Chemistry of the University of Coimbra, Portugal ( ), is focused on studies of biosystems by vibrational spectroscopy, from optical methods ... -
¿Cómo son los modelos de excitones moleculares y qué podemos aprender de la representación de sus mapas electrónicos?
(2023)La teoría para la modelación cuántica de sistemas moleculares y poliatómicos en general se aplica hoy en día a través de dos procedimientos principales: los del campo autoconcordado (SCF-MO) y los de la Teoría de los ... -
Analysis of morphologic effects of polymeric semiconducting materials by Raman spectroscopy.
(2023)The organic electronics research field has greatly advanced in the last decades, already rendering materials able to compete with their inorganic counterparts. However, the final blossoming of this field is expected to ... -
Is π-Single Bonding (C–π–C) Possible? A Challenge in Organic Chemistry.
(2023)Chemical bonding systems determine the nature of molecules. In organic chemistry, there are two bonding types for carbon–carbon connections: σ-bonding and π-bonding. In this presentation, several aspects of studies in the ... -
Contractive annulation – A new strategy for the synthesis of small strained cyclophanes
(2023)Contractive annulation was recently developed in our group as a new strategy for the synthesis of small, strained cyclophanes. The crux of the strategy is that a bridge atom is used in the π-extension of an aromatic ring ... -
Electronic Properties of Naphthalimide-based Ladder-type Systems
(2023-01-27)The tuneable electronic and structural properties of organic semiconductors together with their flexibility, light weight, high solution processing and low costs in comparison with inorganic semiconductors are some of ... -
The influence of triplet states in organic photovoltaics
(2023-03-13)Triplet formation is generally regarded as an energy loss process in organic photovoltaics. Understanding charge photogeneration and triplet formation mechanisms in non-fullerene acceptor blends is essential for deepening ... -
Ciencias básicas e inteligencia artificial: actualidad y posibles perspectivas.
(2024)La inteligencia artificial es un instrumento de gestión de la información que se está convirtiendo en ubicuo e imprescindible para la ciencia contemporánea. Se describen los fundamentos racionales de su desarrollo y ...