Listar FAII - Conferencias Científicas por título
Mostrando ítems 3-11 de 11
Implementation of an end-to-end coupled model including small pelagic fish in the Canary Current Upwelling System
(2016-04-22)Eastern Boundary Current Upwelling Systems are extraordinary productive regions of the World Ocean that are essential to the world’s fisheries. These upwelling ecosystems are subject to substantial variability ranging from ... -
Influencia de la estructura de los aerosoles de combustión sobre el cambio climático
(2014-03-17)Influencia de la estructura de los aerosoles de combustión sobre el cambio climático Según las estimaciones sobre el calentamiento global publicadas en el último informe del Panel Intergubernamental de Expertos de Naciones ... -
Modelling extreme climatic events in Guadalquivir Estuary ( Spain)
(2017-05-16)Extreme climatic events, such as heat waves and severe storms are predicted to increase in frequency and magnitude as a consequence of global warming but their socio-ecological effects are poorly understood, particularly ... -
Monitorización de las propiedades termohalinas del flujo de agua Mediterránea a través de Gibraltar en los últimos 13 años
(2018-10-15)Un fondeo profundo desplegado por primera vez en Septiembre de 2004 y que ha sido mantenido regularmente hasta el día de hoy en el umbral de Espartel (Estrecho de Gibraltar, EdG) nos ha permitido analizar la variabilidad ... -
Network Physiology: Mapping interactions between complex physiological systems
(2016-04-04)The human organism is an integrated network where multi-component organ systems, each with its own regulatory mechanisms, continuously interact to optimize and coordinate their function. Organ-to-organ interactions occur ... -
Physical characterization of the Guadiana Estuary using a 3D model
(2016-10-14)Guadiana estuary is an intertidal estuary situated in SW of Iberian Península, the latest 50 Km of which constitutes the natural border between Spain and Portugal. Tidal influence extends to about 80 Km upstream. The ... -
Rheological study of the aggregation state of alumina nanofluids
(Hernández, M.J., Sanz, T, Salvador, A., Rubio-Hernández, F.J., 2017)The presence of alumina solid particles in aqueous phase induces a change in the viscosity of the suspension from Newtonian to non- Newtonian flow. Besides, the presence of solid particles is adequate for the use as a heat ... -
Simulación numérica en Ingeniería y Ciencias con MATLAB + COMSOL Multiphysics
(2015-05-18)En este seminario se tratan las posibles interacciones entre el entorno de programación matricial MATLAB y el software COMSOL Multiphysics, que permite resolver de forma intuitiva sistemas de ecuaciones en derivadas parciales ... -
The present state of the water exchange through the Strait of Gibraltar
(2015-05-05)The present two-way exchange through the Strait of Gibraltar stems from the fresh water deficit of the Mediterranean basin. The size of the exchanged flows is the outcome of the climatology over the basin and the morphology ...