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Mostrando ítems 1-19 de 19
Creación de recursos ABJ por parte del alumnado universitario como elemento motivador y facilitador.
(2023)Este estudio describe un proyecto ABJ (Aprendizaje Basado en Juegos) que se realizó durante el curso académico 22-23 en la Universidad de Málaga, en el Grado en Estudios Ingleses con alumnado de cuarto año en la asignatura ... -
Creación de un corpus de noticias de gran tamaño en inglés, español y catalán para el análisis del discurso en torno a género y desigualdad social
(2022)Se considera que la prensa desempeña un papel social fundamental, ya que modela la opinión pública reproduciendo o resistiendo discursos de desigualdad (van Dijk 1991). El análisis de ideologías en el discurso de noticias ... -
Developing & improving EFL writing skills
(2015-07-03)Learning a foreign language is a process that entails the development of four basic skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. According to the Common European Framework, such skills can be grouped into productive ... -
Developing and Improving EFL Writing Skills
(2016-07-25)Learning a foreign language is a process that entails the development of four basic skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. According to the Common European Framework, such skills can be grouped into productive ... -
Displaying Mr Selfridge
(2015-04-22)Whereas, in literature a stream of recent bio-fictions have focused their efforts on resurrecting great Edwardian authors, the first season of Mr Selfridge (2013), based on Lindy Woodhead’s biography Shopping, Seduction ... -
The Intensifiers this/that in Some Varieties of English
(2020-01-20)The intensifiers this/that acquired their adverbial status as a result of a grammaticalization process by means of which the deictic demonstratives became degree adverbs with the meaning of ‘to this/that extent, so much, ... -
“New Critical Approaches to the History of the Early English Novel”
(2017-10-16)The critical appraisal of the rise of the novel in English has changed drastically from the publication of Ian Watt’s homonymous study in 1957. Some thirty years later, one of Watt’s disciples, Michael McKeon, suggested a ... -
Orthographic standardization in middle english documentary texts.
(Universidad de Murcia, 2022-06)Standardisation has been defined as “the reduction of variation in language, or […] as the selection, elaboration and codification of a particular dialect” (Hope, 2000: 51). When language users are unconsciously sensitive ... -
Reading, Writing, and Re-Visioning the Past: the historical novel in history. (Part I)
(2016-12-19)The extraordinary popularity of historical fiction shows no sign of abating. Historical novels have been attempted by most major contemporary novelists; they regularly top bestseller lists and win literary prizes; and the ... -
Riots, Foster Homes and a Royal Wedding: The Unequal Allocation of Vulnerability in Kit de Waal's My Name Is Leon
(2022)Kit de Waal’s debut novel, My Name Is Leon (2016), was an instant success. Both critics and readers praised de Waal’s ability to capture the social complexities of Britain in the 1980s, a moment largely marked both by the ... -
Significance of the Scream: Otherness in Postcolonial and Gothic Fiction
(2014-09-23)Starting with an examination of some of the gothic tropes used to narrate India in colonial literature (fiction and non-fiction), this paper will look at some highly visible postcolonial narratives of/about India and compare ... -
Supra-textuality in The Sekenesse of Wymmen in Glasgow, University Library, MS Hunter 307 (ff. 149v-165v).
(2023)The codex Glasgow, University Library, MS Hunter 307, which dates from the first half/middle of the fifteenth century, houses several texts: an anonymous Middle English treatise on humours, elements, uroscopy, complexions, ... -
The expression of sentiment in user reviews of hotels
(2017-06-09)The linguistic expression of sentiment, understood as the polarity of an opinion, is known to be domain-specific to a certain extent (Aue & Gamon, 2005; Choi et al., 2009). Even though many words and expressions convey the ... -
The Public Place of the (Neo-)Victorians
(2017-10-16)The Victorians are everywhere. Neo-Victorian adaptations of their writings, lives and culture are all around us in the contemporary marketplace. (Neo)Victorianism sells in its most popular forms, from blockbuster films, ... -
The somatechnics of enfreakment: literary articulations of the body
(2015-04-22)Lately, the Victorian freak show has attracted scholarly and literary attention alike. New critical approaches to the freak show set the European exhibition of human corporeal deviance apart from the American side show as ... -
The Visible and the Invisible Hilary Mantel
(2016-07-25)This talk addresses the scarcity of critical material on Hilary Mantel’s writing in the academy. It questions the suitability of the ‘origin’ paradigm within the criticism that is available, which closes off the excess of ... -
El uso del aprendizaje basado en juegos como medio de motivación en las aulas del SESO IES Dunas de las Chapas
(2021-10-06)Con los recientes cambios en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje experimentados en las últimas décadas, los profesores del s. XXI deben adaptarse a una nueva realidad docente. La motivación del alumnado es crucial para ... -
Words and their many meanings
(2014-11-28)Words and their many meanings Professor Carita Paradis (University of Lund, Sweden) Words are very slippery customers. This is both good and bad for human communication – good if we want to be creative, flexible or ... -
"Writing and Developing Research Proposals: MA Theses and PhD Dissertations"
(2014-04-30)Designing research proposals, writing MA Theses, and Doctoral Dissertations are task that are closely related to the development of research competencies, thinking and planning abilities, and writing skills. The purpose ...