Listar AM - Conferencias Científicas por fecha de publicación
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 36
Directriz básica de protección civil ante el riesgo de maremotos
(2014-06-10)En esta presentación se trata de plantear el estado actual de la tramitación de la nueva Directriz Básica ante Maremotos, así como el desarrollo histórico de los planes y proyectos que se han venido realizando desde los ... -
The Puerto Rico Tsunami Program after the 2004 Tsunami: Hazard and Vulnerability Assessment, Public Outreach and the Tsunami-Ready Program for Coastal Towns
(2014-06-10)Prior to the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami the Caribbean island of Puerto Rico had implemented the Puerto Rico Tsunami Warning and Mitigation Program, with a grant from the USA’s FEMA. This program ended in 2003. For several ... -
Two weight norm inequalities for fractional integrals and commutators
(2014-09-17)In this course we will survey recent work on two weight norm inequalities for the fractional integral operator and its commutator with BMO functions. We are interested in finding sufficient (and necessary and sufficient) ... -
The 2-weights problem for the Bergman projection and Sarason conjecture.
(2014-09-24)In the early 90's, D. Sarason posed conjectures on the characterization of the boundedness of Toeplitz products on Hardy and Bergman spaces (3). The Hardy space case attracted much attention because of its close relation ... -
Composition operators on Hardy spaces
(2014-09-24)The topic is composition operators f⟼f∘φ, where The symbol is holomorphic. We shall give a(non-exhaustive) overview of -more or less recent- results when these operators are viewed on the classical Hardy spaces Hp. The ... -
Composition of Haar Paraproducts
(2014-12-03)Paraproducts are important operators in harmonic analysis and there are well known characterizations of when an individual paraproduct is bounded. An interesting question is to characterize when the composition of two, ... -
Ciclicidad de polinomios en 2 variables
(2015-02-11)Sea $f$ una funcion de $H$, un espacio de Hilbert de funciones analiticas sobre un dominio fijado. Decimos que $f$ es ciclica si los polinomios multiplicados por $f$ forman un subespacio denso de $H$. Un teorema clasico ... -
Towards general purpose LES model of injection and atomization
(2015-05-15)Injection and atomization of liquid is widely used in many industrial and domestic applications such as, fuel injection in engines or burners, spray painting, medical sprays, spray drying, etc. Various approaches are ... -
The Kolmogorov Law of turbulence: what can rigorously be proved?
(2015-05-15)We define a mathematical framework in which we can specify the Reynolds decomposition and the correlation tensors of an incompressible locally homogeneous and isotropic turbulent flow. After having fixed the technical ... -
Reduction of complexity and variational data assimilation
(2015-05-15)Reduced basis methods belong to a class of approaches of \emph{model reduction} for the approximation of the solution of mathematical models involved in many fields of research or decision making and in data assimilation. ... -
Adding user interactivity to FreeFem++ with EJS: From teaching to research
(2015-05-15)In this talk we propose the use of an authoring tool, Easy Java Simulations, to build interactive simulations for pdes where the computing kernel is FreeFem++. This tool allows to play with all the parameters of the pde ... -
Resultados de extrapolación y desigualdades con pesos entre espacios de Lebesgue y Lipschitz integrales
(2015-06-10)En esta charla se dan resultados de extrapolación partiendo de hipótesis que contienen desigualdades en norma entre espacios de Lebesgue y Lipschitz integrales con pesos. Mediante técnicas de extrapolación, se ... -
Catálisis de oxidación inspirada en metaloenzimas
(2015-12-01)La formación y la escisión del enlace O-O es posiblemente la reacción más importante en los organismos vivos. La rotura reductora del enlace O-O se lleva a cabo en el citocromo C oxidasa. [1] Esta reacción constituye el ... -
Caracterización de la compacidad mediante la propiedad del punto fijo para aplicaciones continuas
(2016-03-15)Inspirados en un resultado de Klee [3] sobre la propiedad del punto fijo de conjuntos convexos en espacios lineales localmente convexos, probamos una caracterización de la compacidad de los espacios geodésicos mediante ... -
All-regime Lagrangian-Remap numerical schemes for the gas dynamics equations. Applications to the large friction and low Mach coefficients
(2016-05-16)In this talk, we propose an all regime Lagrange-Projection like numerical scheme for the gas dynamics equations. By all regime, we mean that the numerical scheme is able to compute accurate approximate solutions with an ... -
Métodos variacionales para problemas no variacionales
(2016-11-11)A partir de algunos resultados clásicos sobre problemas variacionales regulares y sus EDPs subyacentes, pretendemos tratar la situación más general de un problema no variacional sin una energía natural pero reteniendo las ... -
Mathematical models in Developmental Biology
(2016-11-29)We will introduce some of the mathematical modeling tools that have been introduced in the field of Developmental Biology, focusing in specific problems in embryogenesis. The use of multiscale models based on a combination ... -
Asymptotic variance of the Beurling transform
(2017-03-17)symptotic variance can be used to measure the boundary behaviour of conformal maps and Bloch functions. A formula due to McMullen connects it to the Hausdorff dimension expansion of limit sets for certain dynamical families ... -
On diffusively corrected multispecies kinematic flow models
(2017-05-17)This presentation provides a survey of some recent results related to efficient numerical methods for the numerical solution of a class of convection-diffusion systems that arise as one-dimensional models of the flow of ... -
Diversas aplicaciones de la teoría de extrapolación restringida
(2017-05-19)En la charla se han presentado diversas aplicaciones de la teoría de extrapolación de Rubio de Francia restringida en problemas que pueden ser considerados como una extensión de los problemas de restricción de De Leeuw. ...