ListarAGT - Conferencias Científicas por tema "Álgebra"
Mostrando ítems 1-13 de 13
An account on certain annihilating properties in Leavitt path algebras.
(2024)We present that for any graph E and for a commutative unital ring R, the nil ideals of the Leavitt path algebra LR(E) depend solely only the nil ideals of the ring R. A connection between the Jacobson radical of LR(E) and ... -
An approach to absolute valued algebras by reflections
(2013-12-11)This talk deals with the problem of the classification of the finite-dimensional absolute-valued algebras, with an special emphasis in the case of the dimension eight. -
Categorías tensoriales, álgebras y superálgebras
(2022)After reviewing the basic definitions of tensor categories and the notion of semisimplification of symmetric tensor categories, it will be shown how the semisimplification of the category of representations of the cyclic ... -
Determinación algorítmica de estructuras Hopf Galois
(2018-10-15)La teoría Hopf-Galois es una generalización de la teoría de Galois. La clave es sustituir los grupos de Galois por álgebras de Hopf y la acción de Galois por una cierta “acción de Hopf” que actúa por endomorfismos. Este ... -
Extension problem associated with socle of monomial algebras.
(2024)We show that a monomial algebra Λ over an algebraically closed field K is self-injective if and only if each map soc(ΛΛ) −→ ΛΛ can be extended to an endomorphism of ΛΛ, and provide a complete classification of such ... -
Groupoids in analysis and algebra.
(2023)Groupoid algebras are studied in both analytic and algebraic contexts. In analysis, groupoid C*-algebras play a fundamental role in the theory and include many important subclasses. Steinberg algebras are their purely ... -
Incidence algebras. Overview
(2015-05-13)In his celebrated paper of 1964, "On the foundations of combinatorial theory I: Theory of Möbius Functions" Gian-Carlo Rota defined an incidence algebra as a tool for solving combinatorial problems. Incidence algebra is a ... -
Introducción a la fiabilidad algebraica.
(2023)La teoría de fiabilidad se encarga de analizar la disponibilidad y fiabilidad de procesos y sistemas industriales, redes, etc. Existen muchos métodos para el cálculo de fiabilidad de sistemas, es un área en continuo ... -
KV. Cohomology and some applications
(2020-02-24)Two versions of the KV-cohomology are presented and some algebraic and geometrical applications are given. We will see some applications to stochastic manifold. As a consequence, we can apply these ideas in Lorentzian ... -
Leavitt path algebras and the IBN property
(2016-12-21)A ring has invariant basis number property (IBN) if any two bases of a finitely generated free module have the same number of elements. In 1960's Leavitt constructed examples of rings R without IBN, more precisely for any ... -
Leavitt Path algebras via partial skew ring theory
(2018-04-17)We will introduce the theory or partial actions of groups and their associated algebras. As an example we will realize the Leavitt path algebra associated with a graph as a partial skew group ring. To finish, we will ... -
Teoría de Hopf Galois: Introducción y enfoque aritmético
(2018-10-05)La teoría de Hopf Galois es una generalización de la teoría de Galois usando álgebras de Hopf, y surge en 1969 de la mano de S. U. Chase y M. E. Sweedler, con la idea de reemplazar el grupo de Galois de una extensión de ... -
The Talented monoid of a graph and its connections with the Leavitt path algebra
(2022)In this talk, we introduce an algebraic entity arising from a directed graph - the talented monoid. The talented monoid has an interesting relationship with the Leavitt path algebra. In fact, the group completion of the ...