Listar AGT - Conferencias Científicas por fecha de publicación
Mostrando ítems 21-40 de 74
C*-algebras associated to Boolean dynamical systems
(2016-03-15)The goal of this talk is to present the C*-algebra $C^*(\mathcal{B}, \mathcal{L}, \theta)$ of a Boolean dynamical system $(\mathcal{B}, \mathcal{L}, \theta)$, that generalizes the $C^*$-algebra associated to a labelled ... -
Groupoids and Steinberg Algebras
(2016-03-15)A groupoid is a generalisation of group in which composition is only partially defined. In first half of this talk, I will give an overview of groupoid theory and show how groupoids provide a unifying model for a number ... -
Connectivity by geodesics on a class of globally hyperbolic spacetimes
(2016-04-14)During the past years there has been a considerable amount of research related to the problem of geodesic connectedness of Lorentzian manifolds. This topic has wide applications in Physics, but for mathematicians its ... -
Homeomorphism groups of the cube and other n-manifolds
(2016-04-25)In this talk, the structure of the homeomorphism group of the cube is presented. Applications to the homeomorphism groups of other n-manifolds are also treated. -
Reconstruction of graded groupoids from graded Steinberg algebras
(2016-05-19)We show how to reconstruct a graded ample Hausdorff groupoid with topologically principal neutrally-graded component from the ring structure of its graded Steinberg algebra over any commutative integral domain with 1, ... -
Ondas Gravitacionales: el amanecer de una nueva era
(2016-09-13)Después de una larga espera de decenas de años estamos de enhorabuena: el 14 de Septiembre de 2015 una colaboración científica internacional (LIGO/VIRGO) logró detectar, en sus interferómetros más avanzados en funcionamiento, ... -
Estructura de anillo de la cohomología de Hoschild de álgebras de Sridharan
(2016-10-07)Sridharan probó en [Sri61] que toda álgebra filtrada cuyo graduado asociado es S(V) para algún espacio vectorial V, está determinada salvo isomorfismo por una estructura de Lie sobre V y la clase de cohomología de un ... -
Leavitt path algebras and the IBN property
(2016-12-21)A ring has invariant basis number property (IBN) if any two bases of a finitely generated free module have the same number of elements. In 1960's Leavitt constructed examples of rings R without IBN, more precisely for any ... -
Ordenes Locales en Álgebras de Jordan
(2017-02-16)La noción de orden local procede de los trabajos de Fountain y Gould en el caso de álgebras asociativas, y ha sido adaptada a álgebras y otros sistemas de Jordan por varios autores. En esta charla, la fuente original ... -
On intersections of ideals of Leavitt path algebras
(2017-04-04)During the 2015 CIMPA Research School in Turkey on “Leavitt path algebras and graph C*-algebras”, Astrid an Huef raised the question whether the statement: For a given graph E, every (closed) ideal I of C*(E) is ... -
Factorization of Ideals in Leavitt Path algebras
(2017-04-04)After pointing out how ideals in a Leavitt path algebra L of a graph E behave like ideals in a commutative ring, we shall consider the question of factorizing an arbitrary ideal I as a product of finitely many special type ... -
Modelos no asociativos en genética de poblaciones
(2017-05-04)El objetivo de esta charla es, en primer lugar, dar una visi on general de algunos de los modelos no asociativos m as com unmente utilizados en gen etica de poblaciones para, a continuaci on, describir las llamadas co ... -
Recent results on (p,q)-Laplacian type equations
(2017-05-09)Start ing from a new sum decomposit ion of W1,p(RN ) ∩W1,q(RN ) and using a variat ional approach, we invest igate the existence of mult ipleweak solut ions of a (p, q)–Laplacian equat ion on RN , for 1 < q < p < N , ... -
G2 and the rolling ball
(2017-05-09)Understanding the exceptional Lie groups as the symmetry groups of simpler objects is a long-standing program in mathematics. Here, we explore one famous realization of the smallest exceptional Lie group, G2: Its Lie ... -
L-InfinityAlgebras, Cohomology and M-Theory
(2017-05-12)In this introduction for topologists, we explain the role that extensions of L-infinity algebras by taking homotopy fibers plays in physics. This first appeared with the work of physicists D'Auria and Fre in 1982, ... -
Jordan-lie inner ideals of finite dimensional associative algebras
(2017-06-15)Any associative ring A becomes a Lie ring A(−) under [x, y] = xy−yx. Let A(1) = [A, A] be the derived subalgebra of A(−) and let Z be its center. In the early 1950s Herstein initiated a study of Lie ideals of A in case ... -
Derivaciones y derivaciones generales de las álgebras no asociativas
(2018-01-15)El resultado clásico de Jacobson es seguinte: una álgebra de Lie de dimención finita con una derivación inversible sobre un cuerpo del caracteristica cero es una álgebra nilpotente. Nosotros vamos a hablar sobre posibles ... -
Butterfly, Möbius, and Double Burnside algebras of noncyclic finite groups
(2018-03-09)The double Burnside ring B(G,G) of a finite group G is the Grothendieck ring of finite (G,G)-bisets with respect to the tensor product of bisets over G. Many invariants of the group G, such as the (single) Burnside ring ... -
Leavitt Path algebras via partial skew ring theory
(2018-04-17)We will introduce the theory or partial actions of groups and their associated algebras. As an example we will realize the Leavitt path algebra associated with a graph as a partial skew group ring. To finish, we will ... -
Teoría de Hopf Galois: Introducción y enfoque aritmético
(2018-10-05)La teoría de Hopf Galois es una generalización de la teoría de Galois usando álgebras de Hopf, y surge en 1969 de la mano de S. U. Chase y M. E. Sweedler, con la idea de reemplazar el grupo de Galois de una extensión de ...