Listar QICM - Contribuciones a congresos científicos por título
Mostrando ítems 100-119 de 216
Mechanochemistry for a smart and sustainable biodiesel production under heterogeneous catalysis
(2018-09-10)Fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) produced from vegetable oil by transesterification, labeled as ‘‘Biodiesel”, is industrially accomplished in the presence of a homogeneous basic catalyst, such as alkali hydroxide or methoxide ... -
Mejoras en las resistencias mecánicas de cementos con bajo contenido de clínker.
(2024)Los cementos con arcilla calcinada y piedra caliza, conocidos como LC³ (del inglés, Limestone calcined clay cement) permiten la reducción de las emisiones de CO₂ hasta en un 55%. Las proporciones de las sustituciones ... -
Mesoporous mixed Nb2O5-ZrO2 catalysts for dehydration of glucose into 5-hydroxymethylfurfural
(2016-09-15)Biomass is the world’s most important renewable carbon source, whose major component, carbohydrates, can be valorized by transformation into biofuels and high value-added chemicals. Among the latter, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural ... -
Mesoporous niobium oxide for dehydration of D-xylose into furfural
(2013-09-13)El furfural posee un gran potencial como molécula plataforma de origen renovable para la síntesis de una alta variedad de compuestos químicos. Se obtiene mediante la deshidratación de pentosas, principalmente a partir de ... -
Metal carboxyphosphonates-based electrocatalysts
(2019-10-01)Co1-xFex-HPAA metal phosphonates were prepared and pyrolyzed under N2 and H2/Ar flows. The resulting powders were structural and electrochemically characterized by XRD and CV, respectively. The obtained materials possess ... -
Modelización computacional de la reacción de protólisis de la superficie de filosilicatos
(Macla, 2022)En la interfase mineral/solución de los filosilicatos se producen reacciones de adsorción, disolución y re-precipitación, dando lugar a un cambio de la estructura del sólido y de la solución. Este estudio tiene como ... -
Multimodal study of unaltered cement hydrating pastes: combined high-energy laboratory powder diffraction and microtomography.
(2024)Background: The study of the hydration pathways of Portland cement (PC) and cement blends presents significant challenges due to their multiphase nature and varying fineness. Quantifying the dissolution of initial crystalline ... -
Nanocatalysts for oxygen removal from biomass derived biofuel
(2018-09-10)The use of bio-energy as a renewable alternative to fossil fuels is nowadays attracting more and more attention. The bio-fuel from biomass seems to be a potential energy substitute for fossil fuels since it is a renewable ... -
Nanocatalysts for oxygen removal from biomass derived biofuel.
(2018-11-08)The use of bio-energy as a renewable alternative to fossil fuels is nowadays attracting more and more attention. Bio-fuel from biomass seems to be a potential energy substitute for fossil fuels since it is a renewable ... -
Nanocrystalline cathodes for PC-SOFCs
(2015-07-10)Ceramic proton conductors are of great interest for the development of solid oxide fuel cells (PC-SOFC) operating at relatively low temperatures between 400 and 700 ºC. Perovskites based on BaCeO3-δ exhibit the highest ... -
Nanocrystalline cathodes for PC-SOFCs based on BCZY
(2016-09-27)Perovskites based on BaCeO3-δ exhibit the highest proton conductivity among this class of materials, however, they are susceptible to hydration and carbonation in presence of water vapor and CO2 [1]. In contrast, the ... -
Nanoesferas porosas de SiO2 dopadas con Zr y su uso en procesos catalíticos one-pot para la obtención de productos de alto valor añadido desde furfural
(2021)En el presente trabajo, se ha estudiado la modificación de nanoesferas porosas de SiO2 con diferente proporción de Zr para obtener catalizadores con relaciones molares Si/Zr entre 2.5 y 30. Estos materiales se han caracterizado ... -
Nanoestructuras de ceria-titania para fotodegradar azul de metileno con luz solar simulada
(2019-07-02)En los últimos años la protección ambiental y el uso de fuentes de energía renovables son dos objetivos principales en la investigación química. La energía solar se puede aprovechar para la degradación fotocatalítica de ... -
Nanopartículas de óxido de silicio y aluminio para la producción de 5-hidroximetilfurfural desde galactosa
(2022)El problema del calentamiento global, fuentes de recursos fósiles limitadas y amenazas de desabastecimiento empujan al desarrollo de nuevos métodos de obtención de recursos procedentes de fuentes renovables, tales como la ... -
NB2O5 soportado en SBA-15 para la deshidratación de glicerol a acroleína
(2013)La producción industrial de la acroleína se basa en la oxidación selectiva del propeno, de origen fósil, en presencia de catalizadores complejos de BiMoOx . Debido a la disminución de los recursos petroquímicos, los recursos ... -
New multifuncional divalent metal-coordinated sulfophosphonates: structures and proton conductivities
(2021-01-29)Metal phosphonate-based coordination polymers are structurally versatile multifunctional compounds that may contain a number of acidic groups such as P-OH; SO3H, COOH, N+-H…These features result in formation of extended ... -
New Multifunctional Lanthanide and Zr(IV) Phosphonates Derived from the 5-(dihydroxyphosphoryl) Isophthalate Ligand as Proton Conductors
(2019-06-06)Metal phosphonates are essentially acidic solids featured by groups such as P-OH, -COOH, etc. Moreover, the presence of coordination and lattice water molecules favors the formation of H-bond networks, which make these ... -
New multifunctional sulfonato-containing metal phosphonates proton conductors
(2018-10-01)Anchoring of acidic functional groups to organic linkers acting as ligands in metal phosphonates has been demonstrate to be a valid strategy to develop new proton conductor materials, which exhibit tunable properties and ... -
New Multifunctional Zirconium(IV) Phosphonates Derivativesas Proton Conductors and Catalysts
(2023)Coordination polymers based in phosphonic acid display a wide range of metalcoordination modes. Moreover, the existence of acidic P-OH groups in their structure, as well as of others functionalized organic group such as ... -
Novel microstructural strategies to enhance the electrochemical performance of La0.8Sr0.2MnO3-δ cathodes
(2015-07-13)Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are one of the most efficient technologies for direct conversion of fuels to electricity. La0.8Sr0.2MnO3-δ (LSM) is the cathode material most widely used in SOFCs [1], however, LSM exhibits ...