Listar QICM - Contribuciones a congresos científicos por título
Mostrando ítems 67-86 de 216
Green approach to the Isosorbide Conversion into Dimethyl isosorbide
(2017-12-22)Isosorbide is one of the most promising products derived from sorbitol. It has already found many applications, mainly in the polymer industry and medicine, such as isosorbide polycarbonate1 (DURABIO®) and isosorbide ... -
Heterogeneous catalysis for the synthesis of carbon dots (CDs) from biomass source
(2022)It has been evaluated the capacity of several phosphate-based acid catalysts of transition metals such as vanadium and niobium in the synthesis of carbon dots (CDs) via a hydrothermal process. For this purpose, two sources ... -
Hidratación y prestaciones mecánicas de cementos LC3 con arcillas caoliníticas calcinadas españolas
(2022-06)La búsqueda de alternativas que reduzcan esas emisiones es prioritario. Dentro de esas estrategias se encuentra la sustitución parcial de cemento por material cementicio suplementario (SCM, de sus siglas en inglés, ... -
High efficiency cathodes for SOFCs prepared by spray-pyrolysis
(2015-07-10)In recent years, lowering the operating temper-ature of the Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) to the intermediate temperature range (500-700 ºC) has become the main challenge for this technology. The electrolyte resistance ... -
Highly efficient LaCr0.75M0.25O3+δ (M= Ti, Mn, Fe, Co and Cu) nanostructured electrodes for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
(2019-09-30)Nanostructured composites electrodes based on lanthanum chromites has been prepared using Spray-pyrolysis precursor method achieving better Rp as SOFC electrodes. The performance in real SOFC is still in progress. -
Hydration characteristics and mechanical performances of LC3 binders with spanish kaolinitic calcined clays
(2022)Limestone Calcined Clay Cements (LC3) are binders with complex phase development and microstructures. Although the hydration chemistry of these cements are being widely researched [1], due to the clay mineralogy variability, ... -
Hydration studies of ye’elimite by using Ptychographic X-ray nano-tomography
(2015-06-26)CSA (Calcium SulfoAluminate) cements may have variable compositions but all of them contain ye’elimite(Ca4Al6O12SO4). The manufacture of CSA cements is more environmentally friendly than that of ordinary Portland cements ... -
Hydration study of alite-ye’elimite-anhydrite phases associated to BAY cement
(2017-10-18)An alternative to decrease CO2 emissions from OPC production consists on the development of a new kind of eco-cements composed by less calcite demanding phases, such as belite and ye'elimite. That is the case of ... -
Hydration study of Belite-Alite Calcium Sulfoaluminate (BACSA) cement blended with fly ash
(2015-10-26)The main objective of this work is to understand the effect of the addition of fly ash (0, 15 and 30 wt%) in the hydration of a BACSA cement paste (water/cement=0.4) prepared with 12 wt% of anhydrite. The pastes were ... -
Hydrogenation of furfural over supported Pd catalysts
(2018-07-16)Lignocellulosic biomass is the most abundant and economical non-fossil carbon source. Furthermore, it is not competitive with the food chain, coming from lignocellulosic wastes including agricultural and food processing, ... -
Illitización hidrotermal de esmectita en el sitema (NH4)O-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O: influencia de la presencia de amonio
(2018-07-09)Durante la diagénesis se producen reacciones que afectan a filosilicatos y a la materia orgánica, ligadas a la generación de hidrocarburos, esto lleva a la fijación de NH4 en las illitas y a la disolución por ácidos ... -
Imidazole-containing Co2+ and Ni2+ etidronates: crystal structures and electrochemical behaviour
(2021)Metal phosphonates-based coordination polymers (CPs) are known to exhibit versatile structural diversity and functionality. Thus, they have been used, among other applications, as electrocatalyst precursors for both, PEMFCs ... -
Implementing Pair Distribution Function analysis to rationalize the water-splitting activity of Co-phosphonate-derived electrocatalysts.
(2023)Pair Distribution Function analysis (PDF) is a total X-ray scattering technique, including the diffuse scattering and the Bragg diffraction. Thus, PDF can be used to characterize structural domains of amorphous solids to ... -
Importancia de la morfología de estructuras de ceria-titania en la fotodegradación de azul de metileno bajo UV y luz solar simulada
(2022-02-02)La contaminación del agua constituye un problema de alcance mundial hoy día cuyos efectos perjudiciales se manifiestan tanto a corto como a largo plazo. De entre todas las fuentes antropogénicas de polución del agua, se ... -
In situ high pressure powder diffraction study of proton conductors based on metal phosphonates
(2015-06-30)Soft Porous Metal Organic frameworks (MOFs) are referred to as a class of coordination polymers that exhibit structural flexibility in response to guest interactions or physical stimuli [1]. By combining softness and ... -
In-situ early age hydration of cement-based materials by synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction
(2015-07-01)Cement based binders are building materials of worldwide importance. Since these samples are very complex, the knowledge/control of their mineralogical composition are essential to design and predict materials with ... -
In-situ hydration studies of C4AF at early ages in the presence of other phases
(2015-06-22)The ferrite phase, C4AF in cement nomenclature, also called brownmillerite, is the major iron-containing phase in Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) and in iron rich belite calcium sulfoaluminate cements. The term “ferrite” ... -
In-situ hydration study of sulfobelite eco-cements
(2013-09-12) -
In-situ Molibdenum X-ray powder diffraction study of the early hydration of cementitious systems on a humidity chamber
(2016-07-06)The durability of cement-based construction materials depends on the environmental conditions during their service life. A further factor is the microstructure of the cement bulk, established by formation of cement hydrates. ...