Listar QA - Contribuciones a congresos científicos por título
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 124
A multipurpose thermal vacuum chamber for planetary research compatible with stand-off laser spectroscopies
(2022)Stand-off spectroscopies and imaging techniques have gained a proper niche within the modern tools in remote compositional analysis for exploration in-situ planetary surface using rovers. Laser-induced breakdown spectrometry ... -
A novel material for Sb speciation in aqueous samples.
(2023)In this work, a new double-reactor method for the analysis and speciation of trace amounts of SbIII/SbV in environmental samples has been developed combining online magnetic solid phase extraction (MSPE) with graphite ... -
Addressing Chemophobia through Gamification in University-Level Chemistry Education.
(2024)Chemophobia poses a significant challenge in university-level chemistry courses, influencing students' perceptions and engagement with the subject matter. It can create barriers to learning and participation, hindering ... -
Advanced Inspection of Matter using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
(IPC Information Newsletter, Inc., 2014-01-01)Development and application of advanced laser technologies for materials characterization offer quick-turn-around, cost-effective solutions to a variety of research and technical problems in diverse application areas, ... -
Analisis Forense de incendios: de la escena del crimen al juzgado
(2019-12-10)El análisis forense de fuego es un área compleja que involucra a una serie de profesionales que va desde brigadas de incendios, ingenieros, químicos e investigadores de la escena del crimen. La dinámica del fuego, como se ... -
Analytical microprobes: getting more out of less
(2017-11-09)The arsenal of techniques capable of getting chemical information from reduced spatial domains has been a constant in the analytical instrumentation. Such evolution has run in parallel with the extraordinary advances in ... -
Anotaciones de vídeo como metodología activa para el aprendizaje científico.
(2023)En los últimos años han surgido multitud de herramientas digitales para su aplicación práctica en entornos educativos, sirviendo de apoyo en diferentes actividades de estudio del alumno. Entre ellas aparecen las anotaciones ... -
Antimony remediation using a new magnetic system in potable aqueous samples.
(2023)Heavy metals are serious pollutants because of their toxicity, persistence, and non-degradability in the environment. Sb is easily accumulated in organism and will cause deleterious effects on human beings when the content ... -
Arsenic remediation using a new magnetic system in potable aqueous samples.
(2023)Arsenic, one of the main environmental pollutants and potent natural poison, is a chemical element that is spread throughout the Earth's crust. It is well known that the toxicity of arsenic is highly dependent on its ... -
Attogram sensitivity through laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy of single optically-trapped nanoparticles
(2017-07-10)Current trends in nanoengineering are bringing along new structures for usage over a wide variety of fields: from readily available products, e.g., clothes or foodstuff, to next-generation electronics or drugs. To suit ... -
Building an Escape Room Online as a training or didactical tool
(2021)Everyone will agree on the usefulness of an Escape Room Online as a playful tool. The escape room as a play gives you a good time connected with a group of friends or family, solving puzzles, immersed in a suitable setting ... -
Calculate content of vitamin C in a pharmaceutical compound. PBL used as a strategy to make easy to learn chemistry at university.
(2023)In Project-Based Learning, teacher transmits to the students the contents that the curriculum marks, helping to motivate them and awaken their concerns about the previous knowledge. This way of working intends that students ... -
Caracterización multianalítica de meteorito marciano NWA2975 mediante CF-LIBS, fluorescencia de rayos X y espectroscopía Raman
(2022)La caracterización isotópica y elemental de los meteoritos de Marte ha permitido determinar la cronología de los procesos de formación del planeta y avanzar en la comprensión de su evolución biogeoquímica e hidrológica. ... -
Caracterización “in-situ” de aerosoles en entornos industriales agresivos mediante libs a distancia
(2018-10-16)Este trabajo se ha centrado en evaluar las posibilidades analíticas de detección “in situ” de aerosoles sólidos generados durante la fabricación de acero, así como en la determinación de su composición elemental, Con este ... -
Characterization of Laser-Induced Plasmas Of Organic Compounds by spatially- and temporally resolved optical emission spectrometry
(2014-07-22)The large majority of laser-induced plasmas experiments are performed on metals in air at atmospheric pressure, where recombination mechanisms do not play a significant role, as the primary emission lines of interest are ... -
Characterization of size-sorted particulated matter collected on solid substrates by laser-ionization mass spectrometry and laser-induced breakdown spectrometry
(2016-09-27)Resumen de trabajos realizados mediante excitación láser de material particulado y su posterior análisis mediante espectroscopía óptica de emisión o ionización. -
Characterization of solid magnetic nanoparticles by high resolution continuum source electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (HR-CS-ETAAS)
(2015-12-21)Nanometer-sized materials have attracted substantial interest in the scientific community because they offer a highly active surface area to volume ratio enable them to have a wide range of potential applications because ... -
Chemical analysis of archaeological material underwater by laser-induced breakdown
(2014-07-11)Nowadays, one of the most important areas of interest in archeology is the characterization of the submersed cultural heritage. Mediterranean Sea is rich in archaeological findings due to storms, accidents and naval ... -
Chemical analysis of archaeological material underwater by laser-induced breakdown
(2014-07-01)Nowadays, one of the most important areas of interest in archeology is the characterization of the submersed cultural heritage. Mediterranean Sea is rich in archaeological findings due to storms, accidents and naval ... -
Chemical Fingerprints in an Underwater Archaeological Shipwreck using a Remote Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy System
(2015-09-04)Nowadays, one of the most important areas of interest in archeology is the characterization of the submersed cultural heritage. Mediterranean Sea is rich in archaeological findings due to storms, accidents and naval ...