Listar PF - Contribuciones a congresos científicos por título
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 85
Abordaje terapeútico del síndrome de Barth en atención temprana: a propósito de un caso
(2019-11-22)• Introducción: El Síndrome de Barth (BTHS) es un trastorno genético diagnosticado como una enfermedad rara de afectación multisistémica, causado por una mutación en el gen TAZ. • Objetivo: Constatar la efectividad de ... -
Academic Engagement in Health Sciences students at the University of Málaga (Spain): four years follow up
(2014-09-23)Introduction. Student engagement in post-school education has been researched since the 1990s, have been considered as an important factor in determining student learning and personal development during college [1,2]. The ... -
Adaptación digital de una rúbrica para el contenido de una asignatura de terapia manual en el grado de fisioterapia.
(2023)Con la llegada de la pandemia por COVID-19, la docencia sufrió una transformación hacia educación a distancia y online. Por tanto, se han tenido que adaptar los métodos de enseñanza y aprendizaje, así como las evaluaciones. ... -
Análisis de la motivación y rendimiento académico utilizando el aprendizaje basado en problemas con estudiantes de Ciencias de la salud :Terapia ocupacional
(2015-12-15)El Aprendizaje basado en Problemas (ABP) se caracteriza por desarrollar una serie de habilidades y competencias indispensables en el entorno profesional. Es un método innovador en el cual el aprendizaje es significativo, ... -
Analyzing Occupations in Order to Change Human’s Behaviors and Habits
(2019-11-18)Through clinical experience, observation, and analysis of everyday occupations, specifically the basic one, occupational therapy practitioners are key to get any change in human behaviors or maladaptive habits. By changing ... -
Analyzing the effects of a dynamic or static orthosis after radical nerve injury using the Nine-Hole Peg Test
(2019-06-17)Objective: The radial nerve is a commonly injured upper extremity peripheral nerve. The inability to extend the wrist results in the loss of hand function and dexterity that affects patients' ability to perform their ... -
Asociación entre semanas de inmovilización de muñeca y discapacidad del hombro. Papel del catastrofismo y la kinesiofobia como confudidores.
(2024)The purpose of this study was to assess the association between wrist immobilization after injury and the development of shoulder disability and to explain the influence of psychological factors as confounders. Design: ... -
Atención Post-temprana en España: algunos aspectos relevantes
(2019-11-08)INTRODUCCIÓN La Atención Temprana (AT) permite que niños de 0 a 6 años que presentan trastornos en su neurodesarrollo o que están en riesgo de padecerlos puedan acceder de forma gratuita a tratamientos conducentes a la ... -
Biomechanical back disability index sonomyography-based: a new tool to identify risk of low back
(2014-10-20)Purpose: To analyze associations and contributions between architecture and muscle function variables during a back extension in a maximal isometric contraction. To develop an index to identify the risk of low back ... -
Contribution in the foot health status in elderly people based on the results of biomechanics gait analysis
(2014-10-20)Purpose: To examine the correlation between the gait biomechanic analysis, foot dynamometry movements and different variables about the foot health status in elderly people. Relevance: Exact knowledge of the biomechanics ... -
Correlation between self-efficacy and social support for activity scale and fitness condition
(2014-10-16)Background: Several factors influence the levels of fitness in people with intellectual disabilities (King et al., 2003) including self-efficacy and social support (Jamieson, Parker, Roberts-Thomson, Lawrence, & Broughton, ... -
Differences in the biomechanical response between healthy and low back pain patients from a isometric extension test
(2014-10-20)Purpose: To compare, in healhty subjects and low back pain patients, the erector spinal muscle response in a máximum isometric contraction intensities using simultaneously electromyography and ultrasonography. Participants: ... -
Diseño de una rúbrica de evaluación de intervenciones basadas en competencias en los prácticums del grado de terapia ocupacional.
(2018-05-08)En el grado de terapia ocupacional, como en otras titulaciones de Ciencias de la Salud, la necesidad de garantizar la calidad de la formación de cada estudiante pasa por un adecuado proceso de evaluación en el período de ... -
Do psychosocial factors predict the persistence of shoulder pain?
(2023)Background and aims: The key mechanisms involved in the development of persistent shoulder pain are still not clearly understood. Even if psychosocial factors have been shown to be associate with chronicization of ... -
Does laser therapy improve pain or pinch strength for thumb carpometacarpal joint osteoarthritis as an isolated treatment? A randomized controlled trial.
(2019-06-17)Objective: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic and prevalent joint disorder that greatly impacts quality of life and has a high economic burden on health resources. Although a number of conservative therapies have proven ... -
Efectividad del ejercicio terapéutico en los trastorno témporomandibulares: una síntesis de la evidencia
(2016-10-10)Objetivo: Evaluar la eficacia del ejercicio terapéutico (ET) en la mejora de los síntomas en pacientes con trastornos témporo-mandibulares (TTM); Analizar la eficacia del ET en cada patología específica englobada en los ... -
Efecto del trabajo propioceptivo basado en la sensación del Movimiento en la artrosis de la base del pulgar. Estudio piloto.
(2022-04-29)El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la efectividad de un programa de ejercicios propiocepceptivos sobre el dolor y funcionalidad en mujeres diagnosticadas con artrosis TMC grado 1 y 2. Se llevó a cabo un estudio experimental ... -
Effect of a gamified education intervention with Kahoot on the levels of absenteeism from the degree in physiotherapy
(2020-07-09)Introduction: High levels of absenteeism have become one of the main problems in university education, due to the difficulty it causes in the implementation of basic active strategies such as self-guided learning. The ... -
Effect of obesity in Independence and balance in people with intelectual disability
(2014-10-16)Background People with obesity often have problems with postural control. Some studies show that people with intellectual disabilities (ID) have a higher likelihood of having falls than the general population, with a ... -
Effectiveness of aquatic therapy in post-surgery rehabilitation of the rotator cuff
(2014-10-16)Introduction: rotator cuff injuries very often require surgical repair and subsequent rehabilitation. The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of a traditional and an aquatic post-surgery rehabilitation program ...