Listar PMCC - Contribuciones a congresos científicos por título
Mostrando ítems 8-27 de 98
Assessment of hormonal parameters in long-term karate Practitioners
Introduction: Karate is a Japanese martial art which is widely practiced in the Western world as a form of self-defense, as well as a discipline to achieve physical and mental balance.However, little is known with respect ... -
Association among salivary alpha-amylase activity and executive functioning in healthy children
(2017-10-18)Salivary alpha-amylase (sAA) is employed in basic research as a surrogate and non-invasive marker of the activity of Autonomous Nervous System (ANS) and Adrenomedullar System (AMS). In particular, sAA has showed a statistically ... -
Association among salivary alpha-amylase activity and working memory functioning in healthy children
(2017-10-18)Salivary Alpha-Amylase (sAA) shows a statistically significant association with levels of peripheral noradrenaline under acute psychosocial stress conditions in young and healthy participants. In this study, our aim was ... -
Association between salivary alpha-amylase and selective attention performance in healthy children
(2018-07-31)Executive functioning is the result of the combined action of a complex set of high-level cognitive processes that emerge during childhood. These executive functions enable a child to manage challenging problems and regulate ... -
Bases neurobiológicas de la depresión infantil: el papel de la respuesta de estrés
(2015-11-26)Estudios recientes realizados sobre muestras in- fantiles y adolescentes (De Vigil et al., 2010; Cubala y Landowski, 2014) han puesto de relieve la utilidad que la medición de los niveles de la actividad de la enzima ... -
Behavioral traits predicting cocaine-conditioned place reference in mice: role of anxiety adn the basolateral amygdala
(2016-07-13)Aims. The individual susceptibility to cocaine addiction, a factor of interest in the understanding and prevention of this disorder, may be predicted by certain behavioral traits. However, these are not usually taken into ... -
Beneficial effects of pharmacological treatment in post-stroke dynamic aphasia: a behavioural and neuroimaging study
(2018-02-09)Introduction : Dynamic Aphasia (DA) is a rare form of language disorder characterized by reduced spontaneous speech with preservation of other language functions. Two types of DA have been described: language-specific type ... -
Chronic cocaine exposure during adolescence in mice induces alterations in hippocampal neurogenesis and spatial memory
(2022-07)Objectives: Cocaine is the second most widely consumed illicit drug even at early ages, with a prevalence of 2.9% in Spain in the 14-18 age group. Chronic consumption produces several cognitive-behavioral and hippocampal ... -
Cognitive impairment and persistent changes in exploration and hyperactivity in mice after withdrawn from chronic cocaine
(2021)Lasting neurobehavioral adaptations such as cognitive decline are induced by chronic cocaine exposure in animal models. However, persistent changes in motor and exploratory responses are rarely reported. In this study, ... -
Cognitive impairment in a murine model of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis with relapsing-remitting course
(2015-09-18)Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neuroinflammatory disorder characterized by demyelination and progressive axonal loss that affects the central nervous system. In addition of physical disability and the neurodegenerative ... -
Cognitive reserve mediates the severity of certain neuropsychological deficits related to cocaine use disorder
(2020-03-17)Introduction: The concept of cognitive reserve (CR) is being considered in the field of substance use disorder (SUD) by observing that there are individuals whose brain alterations are not related to the cognitive ... -
Conductas Reiterativas Verbales: Taxonomía y Conceptualización.
(2024)Introducción: Numerosas taxonomías han sido propuestas para tratar de definir cada de las conductas reiterativas verbales (CRV) existentes en una amplia gama de condiciones neurológicas y psiquiátricas. Sin embargo, la ... -
Conocimientos de los adultos sobre el abuso sexual infantil: Una revisión sistemática de los instrumentos utilizados en los últimos 10 años
(2024-09)Uno de los tipos más graves de violencia es el abuso sexual en la infancia (ASI), afectando a la víctima y su entorno con múltiples problemas de salud. Los menores necesitan adultos con conocimientos para detectar estas ... -
Correlatos cerebrales y cognitivos de la potenciación farmacológica en un caso de afasia dinámica
(2018-05-15)Introducción. La afasia dinámica (AD) es un tipo raro de alteración del lenguaje caracterizada por una reducción del habla espontánea. La AD tipo lingüístico (AD I) se caracteriza por dificultades en la ... -
Counseling e intervención en crisis: Teoría de Elección y Terapia de la Realidad
(2017-02-08)Tras los primeros auxilios psicológicos, el Counseling puede ser una herramienta para contribuir a restaurar la capacidad de los individuos para afrontar situaciones estresantes. Esta asistencia se enfoca a ayudar a las ... -
Desbordamiento escolar y desbordamiento familiar
(2019-07-24)Se presenta los efectos del estrés cotidiano en la infancia desde el concepto de desbordamiento psicológico o spillover, entendido como la sobreacumulación de conflictos en un contexto y la transferencia de sus consecuencias ... -
Detección del deterioro cognitivo
(2019-05-06)El término deterioro cognitivo puede hacer referencia a un síntoma, un síndrome o una entidad clínica concreta y definida (mild cognitive impairment); en cualquiera de los casos, es un motivo de consulta muy frecuente y ... -
Deterioro cognitivo inducido por cocaína: una revisión sistemática
(2020-12-15)La adicción a las drogas es un trastorno crónico y recurrente caracterizado por la búsqueda compulsiva de la droga, y la disminución de la capacidad para limitar la ingesta. En la adicción a la cocaína, las áreas del cerebro ... -
Differential effect of c-Fos activation associated with JNJ16259685 after an agonistic encounter as compared with grouped mice
(European Neuropsychopharmacology 23, SUPPL. 2, S251, 2013-10)Glutamate is the major excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain, with widespread projections and localization of its various receptors. In a recent study, Navarro et al. [1] demonstrated that JNJ16259685 (a selective ... -
Dual patients with major depression exhibit higher neuroticism-anxiety and impulsitivy than substance use disorder patients without comorbidity
(abstract book, 2017)Educational Objectives: At the conclusion of this presentation, the participants should be able to identify the different personality profile of dual patients with comorbid depression (SUD-MDD) and without comorbidity ...