Listar MA - Contribuciones a congresos científicos por título
Mostrando ítems 55-74 de 99
A new family of Einstein manifolds based on nonassociative structures
(2019-10-28)For each central simple symplectic triple system over the real numbers, the standard enveloping Lie algebra and the algebra of inner derivations of the triple provide a reductive pair related to a semi-Riemannian homogeneous ... -
New functions for random samples generation using Stata 15
(2019-10-30)In the 2017 Spanish Stata Users Group meeting, held in Madrid on October 19th, we introduced some functions for generating random samples from continuous and discrete distributions using STATA 13. In this talk, we will ... -
New rules for improving CAS capabilities when computing improper integrals. Applications in Math Education
(2018-06-22)In many Engineering applications the computation of improper integrals is a need. In [1] we pointed out the lack of some CAS when computing some types of improper integrals. Even more, the work developed showed that some ... -
A New Web-stepwise Solver for Ordinary Differential Equations
(2020-07-24)In this paper we introduce SODES (Step-wise Ordinary Differential Equations Solver) which is a new solver for Ordinary Dfferential Equations (ODE). SODES can be used not only as a solver but also as a tutorial for the ... -
Non-negative matrix factorization for medical imaging
(, 2018)A non-negative matrix factorization approach to dimensionality reduction is proposed to aid classification of images. The original images can be stored as lower-dimensional columns of a matrix that hold degrees of belonging ... -
Nonassociative structures and 3-Sasakian homogeneous manifolds
(2019-05-17)The 3-Sasakian homogeneous spaces are certain contact manifolds whose geometric structure is very well codified in Lie theoretical terms. This fact can be used to find interesting invariant affine connections, with nice ... -
Numerical Implementation of Gradient Algorithms
(Springer, 2013)A numerical method for computational implementation of gradient dynamical systems is presented. The method is based upon the development of geometric integration numerical methods, which aim at preserving the dynamical ... -
Numerical Integration of Lattice Systems with a Lyapunov Function
(2014-06-24)In this contribution we implement and assess numerical methods for gradient systems, i.e. dynamical systems that possess a Lyapunov function, and consequently are stable. In particular, we claim that discrete gradient ... -
Octonions and exceptional Lie algebras
(2020-03-05)It is well known that octonions (both real and complex) are very involved in the structure of the exceptional Lie algebras. We will explore several aspects of this relationship: how octonions provide models of the exceptional ... -
Odd-dimensional spheres: nabla-Einstein manifolds
(2014-03-24)Utilizamos el teorema de Nomizu sobre conexiones afines invariantes para describir variedades de Riemann-Cartan en las esferas impares, vistas como cocientes de grupos unitarios. Esta técnica nos posibilita hallar para qué ... -
On Augmented Lagrangeans in Linear Programming (LP) Phase I
(2023-07-24)The concept of linking constraints to an objective in optimization problems was found due to Lagrange in the 19th century. The so-called Lagrange multipliers were related to duality theory in the 20th century. At the same ... -
On the existence of right adjoints for surjective mappings between fuzzy structures.
(National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia, 2016)En este trabajo los autores continúan su estudio de la caracterización de la existencia de adjunciones (conexiones de Galois isótonas) cuyo codominio no está dotado de estructura en principio. En este artículo se considera ... -
On the homological properties of the universal enveloping Leibniz algebra
(2018-02-27)We presente a study of graded Leibniz algebras and its universal enveloping Leibniz algebra. We prove that the universal enveloping Leibniz algebra of a finite dimensional graded Leibniz algebra is a quasi-Koszul algebra ... -
On the notion of fuzzy adjunctions between fuzzy orders
(2015-10-21)Las adjunciones (también denominadas conexiones de Galois isótonas) entre dos estructuras matemáticas proporcionan una manera de conectar ambas teorías que permite compartir las ventajas de ambas. Hay varios resultados en ... -
On the Use of F-transform on the Reduction of Concept Lattices
(2015)In this paper, we show that F-transform can be used to re- duce relational databases. Subsequently, we show that the respective concept lattice is reduced significantly as well. Moreover, we present a clarifying example ... -
Optimization of Energy Distribution in Solar Panel Array Configurations by Graph Theory and Minkowski’s Paths
(2016-07-22)Nowadays, the development of the photovoltaic (PV) technology is consolidated as a source of renewable energy. The research in the topic of maximum improvement on the energy efficiency of the PV plants is today a major ... -
Ordering objects via attribute preferences
(2014-10-29)We apply recent results on the construction of suitable orderings for the existence of right adjoint to the analysis of the following problem: given a preference ordering on the set of attributes of a given context, we ... -
Phases Dynamic Balancer
(2016-07-25)Most of the current domestic installations are single phase, with contracted power equal to or less than 15 kW and with a potential difference of 230 V. When consumption is expected to be higher you choose to use three ... -
Predicting the electricity demand response via data-driven inverse optimization
(2018-07-06)A method to predict the aggregate demand of a cluster of price-responsive consumers of electricity is discussed in this presentation. The price-response of the aggregation is modeled by an optimization problem whose ... -
Queueuing system with failures and priorities
(2016-07-07)Queueing theory provides models, structural insights, problem solutions and algorithms to many application areas. Due to its practical applicability to production, manufacturing, home automation, communications ...