Listar IC - Contribuciones a congresos científicos por título
Mostrando ítems 41-60 de 359
Anomaly detection of High-Mobility MDT Traces Through Self-Supervised Learning.
(2024)Radio access network optimization is one of the most critical tasks in cellular systems. For this purpose, Minimization of Drive Test (MDT) functionality provides mobile operators with geolocated network performance ... -
Aplicación de la tecnología 5G a entornos de emergencias mediante el uso de Network Slicing.
(2023)En una situación de emergencias, la red debe ser capaz de proporcionar diversos servicios con requisitos de calidad diferentes. La categoría de servicio URLLC proporcionará servicios de mínima latencia, mientras que eMBB ... -
Aplicación móvil para localización de interior mediante fusión de tecnologías
(2021-09)High-precision indoor location has become a necessity for the new location-based services that are emerging around 5G. The European LOCUS project is a research Project that seeks to achieve high-precision location based ... -
Application of Huygens’ Metasurfaces to the Arbitrary Design of a Leaky-Wave Antenna
(2017-09-13)Leaky-wave antennas are guiding structures that leak power along their length. Their radiation is mainly characterized by the propagation constant (leakage factor and phase constant) of the traveling wave. In this ... -
Application-layer Performance Analysis of PRIME in Smart Metering Networks
(IEEE, 2016)This paper assesses the performance of actual PRIME v1.3.6 and PRIME v1.4 systems when used for Smart Metering applications. The analysis is performed at the application level using the DLMS/COSEM stack. Hence, it considers ... -
Aprendizaje y divulgación científica de los sistemas de grabación y reproducción sonora a través de los cuentos.
(2024)In this paper, the pilot experience of scientific dissemination based on the writing of stories by students of the ETSI Telecommunications, carried out in the academic year 2021-22, is presented. The aim of this experience ... -
Are spanish university students ready for lectures in english?
(2017-07-05)Content Language Integrated Learning is attracting increasing attention at the University Level. However, the capabilities and expectations of students regarding subjects in a second language are often not clear. We ... -
Arquitectura HW para decodificador Two-Step SOVA con recorridos hacia atrás sistólicos
(2012-09-12)In this paper, a novel SOVA (Soft-Output Viterbi algorithm) decoder using systolic arrays to carry out the trace-back method is presented. Systolic arrays are associated with high data rates and small resource requirements, ... -
Arrays planares basados en el elemento strip-slot complementario
(2013-09-13)Recently, the authors introduced a novel planar radiating element that exploits the characteristics of the slotline microstrip coupling to obtain a microstrip-fed slot with broadband matching. This paper reviews the main ... -
Asignación de cabezales radio a procesadores banda base mediante redes neuronales de grafos.
(2023)In 5G networks, Cloud-Radio Access Network (C-RAN) architecture divides legacy base stations into Radio Remote Heads (RRH) and Base Band Units (BBU). RRHs transmit and receive radio signals, whereas BBUs process those ... -
Asignación de unidades de banda base en redes de acceso radio centralizadas por teoría de grafos
(2020-10-01)En este trabajo, se presentan varios métodos para planificar la asignación de celdas a unidades de procesado en banda base en una red de acceso radio centralizada que incluye macroceldas y celdas pequeñas de interior. El ... -
Assessment of the impact of limited computing resources on vRAN deployment.
(2023)The new generation of mobile networks goes beyond radio communications by providing a resilient and flexible architecture. In this context, the virtualization of Radio Access Networks (vRAN) completes the Network Function ... -
Automatic design of high-performance fiber-chip surface grating couplers based on Floquet-Bloch mode analysis
(2018-04-30)We propose a new strategy to automatically design highly efficient fiber-chip surface grating couplers. High performance designs are achieved with a substantially reduced computational cost by combining Floquet-Bloch mode ... -
Automatic Melody Composition Inspired by Short Melodies Using a Probabilistic Model and Harmonic Rules
(International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR), 2019-11)This demo shows how automatic melody composition of melodies that follow the style of a certain singleshort melodic excerpt can be achieved in such a way that the sample excerpt can be considered an inspirationalpiece of ... -
Autonomous monitoring framework for cellular networks
(2022-07)The arrival of a new generation of mobile networks as 5G (5th Generation), brings with it greater complexity in the management of the network due to new services and scenarios. In this context, SON (Self-Organizing Networks) ... -
Backing off from rayleigh and rice: Achieving perfect secrecy in wireless fading channels
(Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación de la UMA, 2020-09)We show that for a legitimate communication under multipath quasi-static fading with a reduced number of scatter- ers, it is possible to achieve perfect secrecy even in the presence of a passive eavesdropper for which no ... -
Barrido del haz en antena de onda de fuga basada en metasuperficie mediante cristales líquidos
(Iñigo Cuiñas Gómez, 2021-09-23)In this communication, the reconfigurability mechanisms for beam steering at a fixed frequency in a leakywave antenna based on Huygens metasurfaces are reviewed. A preliminary design for a forward-to-backward scanning ... -
Bi-LSTM Neural Network for EEG-based detection of musical characteristics
(2023)Electroencephalography (EEG) combined with Deep Learning and digital signal processing allows for mental activity recognition. In our study, a new feature extraction model-based is presented when combined with Bi-LSTM ... -
Biosensor fotónico integrado con capacidad de discriminación por capas.
(XXXVIII Simposio Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio, 2023)Photonic integrated biosensors have emerged as a highly attractive alternative for biomarker detection in applications ranging from clinical diagnosis to food quality monitoring. Detecting specific target and differentiating ... -
Bricked and evanescently-coupled topologies: expanding the portfolio of subwavelength metamaterial silicon photonic devices
(SPIE, 2023-02)We present two novel topologies of subwavelength grating (SWG) waveguides: the bricked-SWG and the evanescently-coupled-SWG. The bricked topology enables accurate control of waveguide anisotropy while maintaining the index ...