Listar IQ - Contribuciones a congresos científicos por título
Mostrando ítems 119-131 de 131
SafeEngine and Universidad de Málaga
(2022-11-28)Se han desarrollado herramientas innovadoras para la ingeniería sostenible y de seguridad e inclusión social para promover la cooperación y el aprendizaje en el campo de la educación superior en ingeniería. Para ello, el ... -
Salvar a la Dra. Arnold: un escaperoom para ingeniería química
(2022-07)Se ha diseñado e implementado un Escaperoom para ser aplicado como herramienta de gamificación en la educación superior. El objetivo principal ha sido involucrar a los estudiantes en su propio aprendizaje, aumentando ... -
Simulación de curvas de ruptura para la adsorción de paracetamol a partir de datos obtenidos en estudio termodinámico y cinético
(2013-11-05)Los productos farmacéuticos considerados, en algunos casos, como contaminantes emergentes, poseen, en general, una alta estabilidad química y térmica y además son biológicamente activos. Algunos de ellos han sido detectados ... -
Simulation of a biorefinery process as learning tool in chemical engineering degree
(2018-02-20)Currently, the search for alternative biomass to be used as renewable sources for energy production is one of the most important challenges to achieve a sustainable growth based on a bioeconomy strategy (Mendes et al., ... -
Síntesis de fischer-tropsch sobre catalizadores de cobalto disperso en fibras de carbono obtenidas mediante electrohilado de lignina
(2022-04-24)Las limitadas reservas mundiales de petróleo han impulsado, nuevamente, la explotación racional, condicionada por el desarrollo sostenible, de fuentes de energía y materias primas alternativas como la biomasa. Entre las ... -
Síntesis de Fischer-Tropsch sobre catalizadores de hierro disperso en fibras de zirconia obtenidas mediante la técnica de electrohilado
(2023)El uso de la biomasa a través de biorrefinerías se ha propuesto como alternativa a los recursos fósiles para obtener diferentes productos. En este sentido, la síntesis de Fischer-Tropsch (SFT) juega un papel fundamental. ... -
Steam Reforming of Model compounds of Pyrolysis Liquids Using P containing Activated Carbon as Ni Catalyst Suppor
(2022)Chemical activation with H3PO4 of lignocellulosic waste generated surface phosphorus functionalities with acid character (Rosas et al., 2009). These P groups also governed the carbon reactivity with oxygen, conferring ... -
Strategic situation, design and simulation of a biorefinery in Andalusia
(2019-06-25)In a lignocellulosic feedstock based biorefinery, biomass can be transformed in several products, with different chemical and/or agro-industrial applications, and energy (biofuels). The use of biomass waste is strongly ... -
Study of the behavior of an acid-enhanced electrokinetic remediation performed with a real soil spiked with lead
(Northeastern University, 2013)Since the 1980s decade there has been a sharp increase in the research for the development of new techniques for the remediation of contaminates sites, because one after another country realized that the economic budget ... -
Synthesis of an acidic biomorphic carbon-based catalyst for simultaneous esterification and transesterification reactions
(, 2017)The activation of cellulose followed by sulfonation produces a biomorphic functionalized carbon material with acid catalytic activity as a solid-acid replacement for homogeneous catalysts. The carbon-based material contains ... -
The use of available chemical equilibria software for the prediction of the performance of EKR
(2014-09-17)Risk assessment aims for the prediction of the mobility of contaminants, and these are usually based in lab essays together with mathematical modelling. Also the feasibility studies of most techniques, require similar ... -
Use of construction and demolition waste as low cost adsorbents for the removal of acid blue113 from aqueous solution
(2020-11-24)Construction and demolition waste (C&DW) is available in abundance, which can be used in textile wastewater treatment. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the adsorption capacity of C&DW for the removal of AB113 ... -
VPO catalysts using activate carbons as template. ODH of propane
(Asociación Nacional de Químicos de España, 2016)Vanadium phosphates is one of the most studied heterogeneous catalytic systems due to its properties to activate alkanes. In fact, they are used commercially for the oxidation of n-butane to maleic anhydride and experimental ...