Listar IMTF - Contribuciones a congresos científicos por centro "Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 104
A new Variable Curvature concept for Linear Fresnel Reflectors Solar Concentrating Systems
(2017-07-12)In a Linear Fresnel Reflector (LFR) solar concentrating system [1] a series of single axis linear reflectors target the sunrays to a longitudinal facedown receiver on top of a fixed structure. The LFR technology offers ... -
A two-phase genetic algorithm to model the menisca horn repaired with suture
(2022-07)Menisci suturing is a common surgical technique nowadays. Menisci have been modeled with different degrees of complexity in finite element models (FEM) of the human knee, but there are few works focused on simulating the ... -
Active control of trailing vortices by synthetic jets in the axial direction near the wingtip.
(2024)We applied an oscillating synthetic jet in the axial direction to a wingtip vortex and observed a decrease in its strength (active control, synthetic jets, wingtip vortex). -
Aerodynamic forces and wake structure on a 2D model of a vehicle in ground effect
(2023)In this research we perform numerical simulations and wind tunnel experiments of a D-shaped bluff body. Different flow conditions and ground-body distances are considered to analyse the ground effect on aerodynamic forces ... -
Aerodynamic forces in deformed wings.
(2023)In this work, we carry out a detailed study of the change in aerodynamic forces due to wing deformation in flight. The results presented are for a wing model of a fixed semi aspect ratio sAR = 4, and different chord-based ... -
Age influence on cut-out resistance of sutured meniscus: An experimental cadaveric study
(2023)Surgical treatment of meniscal root detachment is changing from partial meniscectomy to root reinsertion with sutures due to alterations in the knee joint contact biomechanics and early cartilage loss development. Suture ... -
Análisis de la progresión del daño macroscópico en la interfase menisco-sutura tras reparación de la raíz: estudio biomecánico en modelo porcino
(2018-12-10)En un modelo porcino de la reparación de la raíz posterior del menisco medial sometido a cargas cíclicas representativas de protocolos de rehabilitación habituales en el post-operatorio temprano, no se observa daño ... -
Análisis y estimación de superficie basada en Mapas Auto-Organizados
(2021-10-03)En este trabajo se propone la utilización de Mapas Auto-Organizados para llevar a cabo la tarea de clasificación de superficies y estimación de adherencia. Este tipo de redes neuronales se caracteriza por emplear el paradigma ... -
Analysis and simulation of a Stop/Start system on an urban bus.
(2023)This article delves into the application of the Stop/Start microhybrid system in urban buses and its contribution towards energy savings and reduction in CO2 emissions, utilizing ultracapacitors as the power source. The ... -
Analysis of a PV Window for Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) Applications
(2019-06-25)An amorphous silicon photovoltaic module encapsulated between two transparent glass sheets, an air chamber and a second double glass sheet with an air chamber forms the photovoltaic window. Everything is framed in a PVC ... -
Analysis of a wingtip vortex using Higher Order Dynamical Mode Decomposition
(2022)Wingtip vortices are a key element to take into account in the design of any aerial vehicle and the planning of takeoff and landing operations on large-scale airports. In this project, we study the wingtip vortex generated ... -
Analysis of CO2 reduction with micro CHP facility: Renewable energies and Stirling engine.
(E3S Web of Conferences, 2024)The Cogeneration laboratory is a research facility in the University of Málaga (UMA) that allows for the behavioural study of a renewable energy installation combining solar resources and micro-CHP. Energy generation in ... -
Analysis of lift coefficient and trailing vortices properties at low Reynolds number with spanwise deformation.
(2024)Se ha estudiado experimentalmente qué efecto tiene la deformación longitudinal en alas sobre su coeficiente de sustentación y los vórtices de punta de ala. -
Analysis of the operating parameters in a Stirling cryocooler
(E3s Web of conferences, 2021-10-22)In this work, the results obtained in different tests performed on a Stirling cryocooler are shown, as well as a comparative analysis of these results with different load pressures. The prototype is a single-acting Stirling ... -
Analysis of the thermal performance of heat exchangers for active chilled beam units
(2018-06-28)Coils used in active chilled beams (ACB) have some distinctive features compared to conventional coils used in fan-coil units. On the air side, the flow rate of induced air is limited and air velocities are thus much lower ... -
Aplicación de la metodología basada en Design Thinking para el aprendizaje de conceptos técnicos ferroviarios
(2022-11)Docentes e investigadores de las áreas de Ingeniería Mecánica y de Comunicación Audiovisual de la Universidad de Málaga participan en un proyecto Europeo Eramus+ denominado ASTONRail. Dentro de las actividades desarrolladas ... -
Capacity of evaluation of preservice elementary science teachers in an argumentation task
(2017-09-12)The growing importance of argumentation in science education must also be accompanied by examples showing both teachers in service and trainee-teachers how to implement and assess argumentation in class. In this line, this ... -
Caracterización del desplazamiento generado en la raíz del conjunto menisco-sutura en el postoperatorio inmediato mediante video-fotogrametría
(2019-11-08)La reparación de la raíz meniscal mediante técnica de sutura transtibial es cada vez más frecuente, a medida que se producen avances en los métodos de diagnóstico de este tipo de lesión. Una complicación tras este tipo de ... -
Caracterización térmica y evaluación de diversas estrategias de control de condensación de vigas frías activas
(Instituto de Ingeniería Energética. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, 2018-06)La aparición de condensación en la batería de intercambio de calor es uno de los principales problemas a evitar en una viga fría activa (VFA). En climas húmedos, por las infiltraciones de aire exterior, y en espacios de ... -
Cardiac-cycle-inspired turbulent drag reduction.
(2023)Flows through pipes and channels are in practice almost always turbulent and the eddying motion is responsible for the major part of the encountered friction losses and pumping costs. Conversely, for pulsatile flows, in ...