IE - Contribuciones a congresos científicos
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Proyectos basados en el uso de metodologías activas en la educación superior universitaria.
(2024)Esta ponencia presenta una metodología experimental para la enseñanza de Actuadores Eléctricos en Ingeniería Química, en un curso estructurado en tres áreas: Electrónica de Potencia, Máquinas Eléctricas y Control de Máquinas. ... -
Formación Avanzada en Análisis de Circuitos Resonantes Utilizando Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos de Simulación.
(2024)Las metodologías activas, como el aprendizaje basado en proyectos, son efectivas para mejorar la enseñanza en educación superior, especialmente en ingeniería eléctrica. Este estudio presenta un enfoque de aprendizaje ... -
Fomento de la Educación en Ingeniería Eléctrica Mediante Metodologías Activas y los Hackathones.
(2024)Las Metodologías Activas, como el Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABP) y el aprendizaje basado en casos (ABC), están ganando importancia en la educación en ingeniería eléctrica, ya que promueven enfoques interactivos y ... -
Learning-based State Estimation in Distribution Systems with Limited Real-Time Measurements.
(2024-01)The task of state estimation in active distribution systems faces a major challenge due to the integration of different measurements with multiple reporting rates. As a result, distribution systems are essentially unobservable ... -
Practical Framework for Problem-Based Learning in an Introductory Circuit Analysis Course
(Education Conference (EDUCON) IEEE, 2020-06-25)Este artículo presentado al Congreso EDUCON y publicado en la Plataforma IEEE Xplore proporciona ejemplos de problemas planteados en contextos reales y prácticos adecuados para implementar el aprendizaje basado en problemas ... -
On the Assessment of the Flexibility Region in Inter-DSO Local Markets.
(2023)Renewable Distributed Energy Resources (RDERs) are being rapidly deployed in energy systems to meet net zero emissions objectives. RDERs may cause operational issues in these systems, which exposes both Transmission ... -
Coordinated Trading of Capacity and Balancing Products in Multi-Area Local Flexibility Markets.
(2022)In a scenario with high penetration of renewable and distributed energy resources, Local Flexibility Markets (LFMs) emerge to enhance operation of distribution networks. They deal with new consumption patterns, flexibility, and ... -
Comparative study of photovoltaic self-consumption alternatives considering the Spanish legal framework
(European Association for the Development of Renewable Energy, Environment and Power Quality, 2021)This work presents a comparative study focusing on the alternatives that a small photovoltaic self-generating group of consumers face within the new legal framework in Spain. Several alternatives are presented, simulated ... -
Capacity and Energy Local Flexibility Markets for Imbalance and Congestion Management
(IEEE, 2021-09)Local Flexibility Markets (LFMs) are a type of marketplace where flexibility products are traded to solve network issues. In the last several years, efforts were made in the field of LFM for imbalance and congestion ... -
Symmetrical six-phase induction machines: a solution for multiphase direct control strategies
(IEEE, 2021)Six-phase induction machines are considered an interesting multiphase option because they can benefit from the well-known three-phase converter technology. These multiphase machines can be classified according to the spatial ... -
Control of six-phase voltage source converters using dynamic voltage vectors
(2019-11-19)The use of a single switching state during the whole sampling period in the current regulation of six-phase voltage source converters (VSCs) inevitably generates undesired parasitic 𝒙-𝒚 currents. Aiming to solve this ... -
Current Imbalance Detection Method based on Vector Space Decomposition Approach for Five-Phase Induction Motor Drives
(2019-11-15)The inherent fault-tolerant capability against open-phase faults (OPFs) of multiphase machines is an appreciated advantage in applications where high-reliability is a main concern. This desirable feature has usually required ... -
Low computational cost method to calculate the hosting capacity in radial low voltage networks
(2019-10-21)This study presents a low computational cost method to compute the hosting capacity of each user in a radial single phase power network. It is assumed every user install generation. The method is based on two key points, ... -
Individualized exercises for continuous assessment in engineering
(2019-05-27)This project focuses on the development of a web application that automatically grades the solution to engineering exercises. The input data of each exercise is different for each student in order to reduce plagiarism and ... -
Chronological time-period clustering for optimal capacity expansion planning
(2018-07-12)To reduce the computational burden of capacity expansion models, power system operations are commonly accounted for in these models using representative time periods of the planning horizon such as hours, days or weeks. ... -
Chronological Time-Period Clustering for Optimal Capacity Expansion Planning
(2018-07-06)To reduce the computational burden of capacity expansion models, power system operations are commonly accounted for in these models using representative time periods of the planning horizon such as hours, days or weeks. ... -
Design and implementation of an 85-kHz Bidirectional Wireless Charger
(2018-04-06)Bidirectional wireless chargers will facilitate the seamless adoption of the V2G technology. When compared with unidirectional systems, developing a bidirectional wireless charger for an EV poses some new challenges. This ... -
Multivectorial strategy to interpret a resistive behaviour of loads in smart buildings
(2018-03-13)In Smart buildings, electric loads are affected by an important distortion in the current and voltage waveforms, caused by the increasing proliferation of non linear electronic devices. This paper presents an approach ... -
SustBuildings SmartCampus
(2018-02-08)In May 2015, the (S3PEnergy) was launched Smart Specialisation Platform on Energy with the aim to support the implementation of the Smart Specialisation Strategies of those regions /Member States that have chosen energy-related ... -
Partnership Sustainable Buildings. Innovation Map and Pilot Projects
(2017-12-22)Propuestas para la automatización de Campus Universitarios de cara a conseguir la máxima eficiencia energética e integración del entorno en la vida cotidiana de la comunidad universitaria. Este trabajo se encuentra encuadrado ...