Listar FHEFD - Contribuciones a congresos científicos por título
Mostrando ítems 119-135 de 135
Predictores antropométricos de rendimiento en corredores de montaña
(2016-10-27)Introducción: Los corredores de fondo se caracterizan por poseer adecuados valores de grasa corporal, masa muscular y un bajo peso proporcional (Hoffman, 2010).El objetivo del presente trabajo fue analizar las relaciones ... -
Predictores fisiológicos de rendimiento en corredores de montaña
(2016-11-03)Introducción: Los corredores de fondo se caracterizan por poseer altos valores de consumo máximo de oxígeno, una buena eficiencia aeróbica y un adecuado umbral del lactato. El objetivo del presente trabajo ha sido estudiar ... -
Protein homeostasis as a therapeutical target for Alzheimer’s disease: analysis in the hippocampus of transgenic mouse models
(2022-09)Alzheimer's disease (AD) constitutes the most prevalent form of dementia. There is no cure so there is an urgent need of novel therapeutic targets and treatments. The main histopathological hallmarks of AD brains are ... -
Relación entre la actividad física, la composición corporal y la satisfacción corporal en escolares
(2017-03-17)JUSTIFICACIÓN: La percepción negativa relacionada con la imagen corporal es común entre niños y adolescentes y está asociada con el desarrollo de diversos trastornos psicológicos. La actividad física (AF) ha demostrado ... -
Relaciones entre ansiedad, empatía e inteligencia emocional en universitarios.
(2020-10-22)En la situación que nos toca vivir en la actualidad generada por el COVID-19 resulta especialmente relevante evaluar los niveles de ansiedad, empatía e inteligencia emocional en el ámbito universitario. En este contexto ... -
Respuesta simpático-cutánea (SSR): Tilt test e impacto del tono adrenérgico en voluntarios sanos
(Archivos de Medicina Universitaria, 2023)El estudio electrofisiológico de la fibra fina, especialmente de aquellas con propiedades funcionales autonómicas (B y C), ha sido siempre un gran reto para la Neurofisiología Clínica. De este modo, el registro de la ... -
Role of Insulin-Growth Factor II on mitochondrial recovery in a cellular model of Parkinson's Disease
(Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry, 2022-09)Insulin-growth factor II (IGF-II) has shown antioxidant and neuroprotective effects in some neurodegenerative disorders. ROS causes damage to cellular macromolecules affecting several cellular processes and resulting in ... -
Role of the 5-HT1A receptors in the effect of Galanin(1-15) on Fluoxetine-mediated action in the forced swimming test
(2018-06-28)Galanin N-terminal fragment (1-15) [GAL(1-15)] modulates the antidepressant effects induced by the 5-HT1A receptor (5-HT1AR) agonist in the forced swimming test (FST) and the binding characteristics and mRNA levels of ... -
Service-learning educational approach for undergraduate students: development of an outreach workshop for high school students
(2023)In the last decade, research institutes and universities have strengthened the development of outreach activities in the biomedical field, involving researchers and professors as well as graduate students, but with little ... -
Socrative como herramienta para la integración de contenidos en la asignatura “Didáctica de los Deportes”
(2015-06-26)En los últimos años se han introducido en el panorama educativo herramientas con las que se pretende fomentar la participación activa y la interacción entre alumnado y profesorado mediante sistemas de respuesta personal. ... -
Subtipado molecular del cáncer de mama masculino con PAM50: Correlación con el subtipaje inmunohistoquímico y estudio de supervivencia.
(2017-06-22)Introducción: El cáncer de mama masculino es una enfermedad rara aún poco conocida, que principalmente corresponde a subtipo luminal usando la clasificación molecular subrogada a inmunohistoquímica. En este estudio, se ... -
The 5-HT1A receptors are involved in the effect of galanin(1-15) on fluoxetine-mediated action in the forced swimming test
(2017-07-25)We have described that Galanin N-terminal fragment (1-15) [GAL(1-15)] is associated with depressive effects and also modulates the antidepressant effects induced by the 5-HT1A receptor (5-HT1AR) agonist 8-OH-DPAT in the ... -
The administration of Galanin N-Terminal fragment (1-15) induces depressant- and anxiogenic effects in rats.
(2013-11-21)Galanin (GAL) is involved in several functions including mood regulation. Converging evidence implicates GAL and GAL receptors in anxiety- and depression-related behaviours. Intracerebroventricular (icv) GAL in animals ... -
The combination of Galanin (1-15) and Escitalopram decrease the alcohol selfadministration in rats through the functional network ventral tegmental area – dorsal raphe.
(2023)Alcohol Use Disorder AUD is a highly prevalent, and most AUD patients suffer comorbidity with depression. To investigate the effect of GAL(1-15) on ESCmediated effect in depression-alcoholism comorbidity, we used the alcohol ... -
Two Main Subtypes of Aldosterone-Producing Adrenocortical Adenomas by Morphological and Expression Phenotype
(2014-04-25)Background: Aldosteronism is still a considerable diagnostic challenge generally diagnosed in a 3-tiered system (initial screening, a confirmation of the diagnosis, and a determination of the specific subtype). Since the ... -
Unveiling the Synergistic Interplay of Neuropeptides for Novel Therapeutic Approaches in Neurodegenerative and Depressive Disorders.
(2023)The intricate relationship between hippocampal neurogenesis dysregulation and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, as well as depression, has sparked an urgent call for innovative therapeutic strategies. Our ... -
Urinary Steroid Profiling for the Preoperative Identification of Adrenocortical Adenomas with Regression and Myelolipomatous Changes
(2014-04-25)Background: Adrenocortical neoplasms are classically divided into adenomas (ACA) and carcinomas (ACC). Heterogeneous appearance and greater size are criteria to suggest malignancy, along with the urinary steroid profile ...