FC - Contribuciones a congresos científicos
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Financial literacy, risk-taking propensity and process innovation in Spanish SMES.
(2024)Objectives: This research aims to understand the influence of the CEO’s financial literacy on SME’s process innovation. For this purpose, it explores the role of risk-taking propensity as a psychological association ... -
Un análisis de la especulación del bitcoin sobre el dólar estadounidense y su impacto social.
(2024)En un contexto financiero global cada vez más interconectado, la especulación en torno a Bitcoin y su influencia en el valor del dólar estadounidense han generado preocupaciones significativas en términos de su impacto ... -
Sustainable finance in the European banking sector: special reference to green bonds.
(2023)Sustainable finance plays a significant part in transforming the global financial system. The devastating implications of climate change have highlighted the demand for a more sustainable economy, with major investments ... -
Financial literacy and environmental sustainability in SMEs.
(2023)Studying factors contributing to the success of sustainable actions in SMEs is a hot topic in the academic world. As far as we know, an adequate level of financial literacy of CEOs can contribute to the company’s environmental ... -
La educación financiera como instrumento para reducir el impacto en las sociedades de desastres naturales y efectos del cambio climático.
(2023)El objetivo de este trabajo se centra en explorar estrategias de preparación y recuperación de desastres basadas en actuaciones de educación financiera, a través de un proceso de revisión de la limitada literatura existente ... -
Identificando impulsores de comportamiento sostenible de estudiantes universitarios de finanzas con redes neuronales artificiales.
(2023)Estudios recientes han tratado de explorar hasta qué punto la sostenibilidad está incorporada en la educación superior, y cómo las personas educadas en conocimiento ambiental se convierten en el futuro en profesionales con ... -
Aplicación de mecanismos de reaseguro a los sistemas de garantía de depósitos. El caso del EDIS.
(2023)En el presente trabajo se propone la aplicación de los instrumentos de transferencia de riesgo utilizados en la práctica actuarial y aseguradora a la gestión del riesgo bancario. Para ello, se utiliza una muestra representativa ... -
Green finance in Banking sector: analysis of green bonds in European banks
(2023)Green finance offers economic and environmental benefits worldwide. Green finance increases access to environmentally friendly goods and services for individuals and businesses, balancing the transition to a low-carbon ... -
Modelización del desarrollo sostenible de las organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro.
(2023)Construcción de un modelo dinámico que incluya todos los elementos esenciales del desarrollo sostenible de las OSAL. -
Culture and integration of Eurozone life insurance markets
(2022)This paper provides the first evidence on how national culture conditions the integration of Eurozone life insurance markets. It analyzes seven markets over a sixteen-year sample period that includes the financial crisis. ... -
Dynamic Systems for Cruise Port Management
(2022)El turismo de cruceros representa un segmento importante del mercado turístico actual, con una actividad económica en crecimiento valorada en más de 150 mil millones de dólares en todo el mundo. Por su parte, los puertos ... -
An analysis of the corporate social responsibility of the spanish marinas
(2022)Las Marinas Deportivas son infraestructuras portuarias complejas que agregan valor a las zonas costeras, y que contribuyen al desarrollo económico y social del destino turístico donde se ubican. No obstante, y aunque el ... -
The mediation of the environmental strategies in hotel financial performance in the context of Creating Shared Value
(Escola Superior de Gestão, Hotelaria e Turismo, Universidade do Algarve, 2022)The tourism sector stakeholders in general, and the hotel companies stakeholders in particular, keep demanding more and more intensity the implementation and development of environmental policies that ensure sustainable ... -
Investment in Human Capital and Corporate Social Responsibility in SMEs providing accommodation services. The specificity of family firms
(2022)The general purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of Human Capital Investment (HCI) on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices in small and medium-sized enterprises providing accommodation services. ... -
Exploring the relationship between financial literacy and family business rish behaviour: empirical evidence considering the moderating role of the generational stage
(2022)Abstract: Family business is considered the backbone of most countries' economies. One aspect that arouses interest in the scientific community is family business risk behaviour due to its involvement in business strategy ... -
Financing decisions in family firms
(2022)El acceso a la financiación es uno de los principales retos que deben afrontar las empresas familiares (European Commision, 2015), ya que la disponibilidad de recursos financieros es fundamental para la supervivencia y ... -
Financial literacy and risk-taking propensity as predictors of undergraduates' entrepreneurial intention
(2022)Entrepreneurial intention, as one of the best entrepreneurship predictors, is related to the individual's choice to start a new business. Entrepreneurship education is, without a doubt, the topic that arouses the greatest ... -
Financial knowledge of pre-university students: age and gender
(2022)Financial education is essential to improve the well-being of society at large by avoiding, to a large extent, erroneous financial decisions. It is, therefore, necessary to inculcate adequate financial literacy from an ... -
Does financial knowledge influence sustainability in the family business? The mediating role of process innovation
(2022)Research on the importance of sustainable enterprises, understood as those in which the creation of economic and social value and the protection of the natural environment are in harmony, is on an upward trend. Family ... -
The Professional University Degree Of Actuary Through Bloom's Taxonomy
(2022)The aim of this paper is to determine the characteristics of the MScAFS in terms of how the Syllabus of the AAE sets out the subjects, organised into sub-areas, and the degree of development of the competences required to ...