F - Contribuciones a congresos científicos
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Awakened vision as an initiatory experience in the ṭarīqa Tijāniyya.
(2024)In Sufism, the visionary experience (ru‘ya) is one of the main methods of acquiring profound knowledge of the Reality (ḥaqīqa). For many Sufis, this experience was an initiation in which they received a hierophanic ... -
Democracia, sufrimiento social y dominación expresiva.
(2023)En la vida política de las sociedades democráticas es tan importante tomar decisiones sobre los problemas que afectan a la ciudadanía como definir esos mismos problemas. Sin embargo, a menudo, la definición de los problemas ... -
Geopolíticas del arte y la vida: Mingei y las artesanías populares.
(2023)El debate en torno a la relación arte/vida nace en el seno del moderno sistema del arte y la estética europea como una forma de cuestionar el carácter elitista e intelectualista de las nociones dieciochescas de bellas artes ... -
Philosophy as an Art of Living. An interpretation of Confucianism from an Aesthetic Approach.
(2023)Confucian philosophy is often regarded as a moral tradition and closely identified with a small set of ethical concepts that assumed a limited interpretation of a long-standing tradition. However, we can reconsider ... -
Politicians of Principle.
(2023)This paper examines how a number of professional politicians and intellectuals described themselves and/or other fellow members of parliament by elaborating on the role that principles play in politics. In other words, the ... -
Razones por las que el envejecimiento (biológico) es indeseable.
(2023)Las posibilidades técnicas de la biomedicina abren la posibilidad de intervenir en el propio envejecimiento con el objetivo de mitigarlo, reducirlo o eliminarlo. Sin embargo, antes de emprender estos cambios o rechazarlos ... -
Teorías de la democracia e investigación empírica: El caso de una acampada por la justicia climática
(2023)Los movimientos sociales son a menudo un lugar de innovación y experimentación política singular. En ellos activistas y ciudadanos de a pie tienen la ocasión de interpretar y poner en práctica sus valores políticos y así ... -
Normatividad Lingüística, en contextos filosóficos y políticos
(2023)Buena parte de la literatura sobre el tema de la Vulnerabilidad y la Reproducción de Patrones de Injusticia se ha servido de los hallazgos sobre el lenguaje característicos de la filosofía de los siglos XIX y XX, tanto del ... -
The Art of Living: Meliorism in John Dewey and Confucius
(2022-08-02)Meliorism has long been acknowledged to be central to pragmatist philosophy. However, despite the increasing interest has been risen in the recent years we barely find studies focuses on this important theme. Why? This ... -
A multi-modal logic for Galois connections
(College Publications, 2022-07-19) -
Educar para una ciudadanía europea y cosmopolita: Unión Europea, filosofía y ética
(2022)Dentro de su ámbito y límites territoriales, la Unión Europea representa un experimento cívico político cosmopolita en el que conviven 24 leguas oficiales, y donde 27 Estados miembros han cedido parte de su soberanía con ... -
Politicians of Principle
(2022)The massive digitisation of parliamentary debates in several European countries has opened possibilities for exploring conceptualisations of “politicians” empirically, both through long-term distant reading and micro-level ... -
Formal argumentation and epistemic logic: what can they do for each other?
(2021-11-15)Arguing and believing are two central cognitive dimensions of both human beings and artificial intelligent agents. The interrelation of these two notions (or groups of notions) is at the root of classic debates in epistemology ... -
A Dynamic Epistemic Logic for Abstract Argumentation
(2021)This paper introduces a multi-agent dynamic epistemic logic for abstract argumenta- tion. Its main motivation is to build a general framework for modelling the dynamics of a debate, which entails reasoning about goals, ... -
The Sudden Awakening / Gradual Cultivation Schema. A Somaesthetic Approach to Jinul’s Thought
(2020-04-30)The aim of this paper’s presentation is to examine the Sudden Awakening-Gradual Cultivation Schema from a somaesthetic approach to show Jinul’s teachings as an embodied and highly conscious art of living. For that, I start ... -
Is aging a disease? The theoretical definition of aging in the light of the philosophy of medicine
(2019-11-19)In this talk, I attempt to shed light on the philosophical debate about the theoretical definition of aging from the discussion of the notion of disease in the philosophy of medicine. As a result, I introduce a concrete ... -
Persuasive argumentation and epistemic attitudes
(2019-10-16)These slides present the main notions and results of a work under construction that was presented in the 2nd DaLí Workshop, Dynamic Logic: New Trends and Applications in Porto, 9 October, 2019 and later published in the ... -
The Art of Living: John Dewey and the Melioristic Character of Aesthetic Experience
(2019-09-26)Today aesthetics is a fertile branch of research which tries to transcend the narrow art-oriented approach, widening the focus of attention to include objects, phenomena and activities of our contemporary world that had ... -
Transboundary Aesthetics in Korean Women Artists
(2019-09-16)As C. Korsmeyer has remarked (Gender and Aesthetics, 2004), there is a deep level in the gendered condition of traditional Western aesthetics that has to do with general philosophical and epistemological frameworks, ... -
On the Tension between Belief Formation and Argument Evaluation
(2019-09-06)There exists certain circularity between the formation of some epistemic atti- tudes of an agent and the way she assesses her available arguments. For the sake of simplicity, I will restrict my attention to the case of ...