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Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 158
A diachronic study of the conative alternation construction in english
(2017-06-05)The conative alternation is a subtype of transitivity alternation in which there is a transitive variant and an intransitive one represented with an at-construction. From a syntactic point of view, it occurs with transitive ... -
"A Journey into History: Eastern Europe as a Liminal Landscape in Joyce Carol Oates' Short Stories"
(2013-12-03)This paper approaches a selection of Joyce Carol Oates’ short stories about the post-war Eastern Europe from the perspective of liminality. In the stories, Oates takes her readers for a tour of a world that no longer exists, ... -
A Middle English Witness of Guy de Chauliac’s On Bloodletting.
(2023)The objectives of this paper are the following: first, to investigate the transmission of the text; second, to assess the main codicological and palaeographical features of the treatise; third, to explain the principles ... -
“A Return and Re-reading of Domestic Fiction (Ab)Normalcy: Elizabeth Stuart Phelps’s Literary Dwellings”
(2023)Nineteenth-Century literature written by women has traditionally been associated to the domestic space, as the labels that have applied to it perfectly demonstrate. Among them, “domestic fiction” has stood out (Nina Baym). ... -
A Specific Guide to the PhD Dissertation VIVA
(2023-06-22)The day of your VIVA is probably one of the most important and stressful days in the life of a PhD student. Students are often assaulted by manifold questions: “how will it work?” “Who will be there?”, “how will I feel?”, ... -
Adapting Victorian Gypsies for the Screen: Ethnicity, Otherness and (In)visibility in Neo-Victorian Popular Film
(2016-09-06)This paper aims at analysing the presence of gypsy characters in two neo-Victorian popular films, namely Joe Johnston’s The Wolfman (2010) and Guy Ritchie’s Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows (2011). The cultural construction ... -
Adverbials and inversion in early english scientific writing
(2015-11-13)From a historical perspective, the English language shifted from being basically verb final in the Old English period (Traugott 1992: 274) to verb non-final from the Middle English period onwards (Fischer 1992: 371), that ... -
“África, India y el Océano Índico: Relaciones afroasiáticas en la literatura africana”
(2021-09)En su obra Commerce with the Universe: Africa, India and the Afrasian Imagination (2013), Gaurav Desai usa el término “imaginación afroasiática” como forma de protesta en contra del etnocentrismo que ha caracterizado al ... -
Agency and Interactivity in the Narrative Video Game 'What Remains of Edith Finch'; Exploring Rita Felski's
(2022)In Hooked: Art and Attachment (2020), Rita Felski argues for the analysis of attachment to works of art, included that of the scholar’s towards the object of study. Although researchers in areas such as feminist or race ... -
Analysing coercion in stative progressives in the Indian variety of the International Corpus of English (ICE).
(2016-04-21)Coercion is defined as “a semantic transformation that involves shifting of one type to another” (Pustejovsky, 1991), being a prototypical case the change from state to activity represented by the use of the progressive ... -
An analysis of the hipster (sub)culture and Its reflection in HBO’s TV series girls
(2018-11-12)According to the casting call posted by Lena Dunham at, one feels tempted to classify the TV series Girls as a hipster show automatically. In fact, this is what its creators and producers have been trying to ... -
Analyzing Language Change in British Parliamentary Discourse: Power and Authority Markers, 1930-2000.
(Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2022)In recent literature, one of the processes of language change which has received much attention has been the concept of democratization of discourse (Fairclough 1992: 201, for example), which often falls under the study ... -
An Approach to (Vulner)able Women in Paula Hawkins’s Novels
(2018-11-15)The notion of vulnerability has had a very prolific role in the last years, as the term has been applied to many and varied fields of research, being contemporary literature one of them. Taking Emmanuel Lévinas’s notion ... -
Aquatic Cartographies: Oceanic Imaginaries, Histories and Identities,
(2022)In her volume The Invisible Empire: White Discourse, Tolerance and Belonging (2009), Georgie Wemyss has discussed lascars as a case study of what she calls the ‘Invisible Empire’ (2009: 3). Unacknowledged and unremembered ... -
Aspectos lexicográficos de la correspondencia interlingüística de términos éticos y de evaluación subjetiva
(2015-07-21)Sólo han pasado unas décadas desde que Grace Kelly enamorara al mundo occidental luciendo un práctico y estético pañuelo que protegía su peinado mientras conducía su descapotable. Y todavía sigue vigente en parte de la ... -
Assembled Female Identities in Neo-Victorian Asylum Narratives.
(2024)In the twenty-first century, women writers in particular have explored the aesthetic possibilities of neo-Victorian asylum fiction to delve into issues of gender and sexuality, and challenged tenacious patriarchal and ... -
Assessing the Provenance of Constantinus Afrianus' Venerabilis Anatomia in London, MS Wellcome 290 (ff. 1r-41v)
(2014-10-03)MS Wellcome 290 is housed in the Wellcome Library in London. Referenced MS Wellcome 290, it is entitled Pseudo-Galen, Claudius, 131 – 201, and it comprises 56 folios of which, the last three, are blank (Moorat 1962: 186). ... -
Bodies in Transit: Re-thinking vulnerability and resistance in post-colonial neo-Victorian literature and culture
(2019-11-18)The aim of my participation in this round table is to make an approach to an analysis of contemporary historical fiction through the lens of theories of vulnerability and resistance. In particular, I would like to address ... -
Building up uniqueness within institutional, tourism-related home pages
(2016-02-01)Institutional web sites put together and display a country image which represents a “decisive business card” as stated by Bonhomme & Stalder (2006, 1). Beerli & Martin (2004, 3) detail the dimensions and attributes of the ... -
By way of vs. by means of: on the Expression of Instrumentality in Middle English and Early Modern English
(2016-04-21)Grammaticalization is defined as “a process whereby a lexical item, with full referential meaning, develops grammatical meaning” (Fischer and Rosenbach 2000: 2; see also Hopper 1991; Diewald and Wischer 2002). According ...