ListarFIFA - Contribuciones a congresos científicos por tema "Vulnerability"
Mostrando ítems 1-4 de 4
An Approach to (Vulner)able Women in Paula Hawkins’s Novels
(2018-11-15)The notion of vulnerability has had a very prolific role in the last years, as the term has been applied to many and varied fields of research, being contemporary literature one of them. Taking Emmanuel Lévinas’s notion ... -
Bodies in Transit: Re-thinking vulnerability and resistance in post-colonial neo-Victorian literature and culture
(2019-11-18)The aim of my participation in this round table is to make an approach to an analysis of contemporary historical fiction through the lens of theories of vulnerability and resistance. In particular, I would like to address ... -
“Kate Williams’s The Pleasures of Men" (2012): mental disorder, trauma, resilience
(2018-07-04)Violence against women has been an important issue for neo-Victorian studies. Women’s bodies and minds have been the object of violence in Victorian times and historical fiction echoes traumas from the past that need ... -
Vulnerability as potential: the search for agency in Deborah Levy’s _Hot Milk_ (2016)
(2019-07-04)Departing from Agamben’s idea of potentiality, I propose to explore this notion in connection to the critical term of vulnerability, to show that they are not that different as one could think at first. In order to do so, ...