Listar EAEEC - Contribuciones a congresos científicos por fecha de publicación
Mostrando ítems 21-40 de 103
The Measurement of Adequacy and Coverage in Decentralized Minimum Income Schemes: An Application to Spanish Regions
(2016-02-08)The existing literature on welfare decentralization has not produced a robust set of measures and properties and no consensus has emerged on how inequalities arising from welfare decentralization should be aggregated into ... -
Testing the impact on educational achievement of expectations
(2016-02-11)Parental and students’ expectations on the educational achievement of the latter have been highlighted in the literature as proper proxies for students’ forthcoming performance and high school track elections. In this ... -
Are early writers and readers more successful than their counterparts?
(2016-02-12)There exists an increasing number of scientific contributions focused on the influence of the attendance to early childhood and/or preprimary education on the future academic track of the students, which employ the quarter ... -
The evolution of the occupational status in Spain: An intergenerational approach
(2016-06-09)The relationship between the socio-economic status of parents and children is referred by the literature as intergenerational social mobility. The scope of this mobility encompasses different aspects such as educational ... -
Job satisfaction among primary school personnel in Madagascar
(2016-06-23)This article analyzes the job satisfaction of primary school teachers in Madagascar. Based on the estimation of multilevel models, low wages and problems getting paid, job insecurity, lack of in-service training, high ... -
Work engagement among school directors and teachers' behavior at work
(2016-06-27)Using data from a representative sample of public primary schools in Madagascar, this paper analyzes engagement at work among school directors and investigates the impact of school heads' supervisory roles on teachers' ... -
The socioeconomic gradient in health: The role of intra-household resource allocation
(2016-06-28)This paper aims to analyse the impact of different household financial regimes on the health status of males and females in a number of European countries. Using the EU-SILC 2010 on intra-household sharing of resources, ... -
Seasonal concentration of cruise tourism in the Mediterranean
(2016-07-06)This research delves into analyzing the seasonality of cruise tourism in the Mediterranean by using the decomposition of the Gini index, used in the field of cruise tourism for the first time in literature. This study ... -
The influence of gender and social roles on academic achievement
(2016-11-21)The analysis of the influence of certain social aspects across countries on gender differences in educational achievement has gained a great relevance. In this research the main objective is to deepen into the knowledge ... -
A Cross Country Prescriptive Analysis of the Efficiency of Educational Systems
(2016-11-21)How does a country achieve the most efficient education system possible? We examine the efficiency of educational systems across the world using internationally comparable performance of secondary school pupils. We use ... -
The gender gap in educational mismatch: evidence from the Dominican Republic
(2017-01-30)In this paper we test the existence of gender gaps in educational mismatch for a developing country (Dominican Republic), an interesting case study due to its recent policies of education promotion, which achieved an ... -
More class time, better achievement?
(2017-02-06)Spanish press has widely criticized the fact that students spend almost their whole day at school, a practice rooted in the common belief that higher instruction time enhances students’ learning. However, in spite of this ... -
The Relative Efficiency of Educational Systems: A Cross Country Prescriptive Analysis
(2017-04-17)How does a country achieve the most efficient education system possible? We examine the efficiency of educational systems across the world using internationally comparable performance of secondary school pupils. We use ... -
Tourism mobility in time and seasonality in tourism
(2017-06-21)In this paper, tourism mobility is studied as a process that affects the population of a geographical area, like a country or a region, from the point of view of the generated trips in the region. To analyse mobility in ... -
Hábitos de estudio y rendimiento académico universitario: El poder predictivo de los tests on-line
(2017-06-27)El objetivo de este trabajo es investigar de manera empírica la relación entre hábitos de estudio y rendimiento académico entre alumnos universitarios. La muestra está compuesta por 160 estudiantes matriculados en primer ... -
Work engagement among school directors and teachers' behavior at work
(2017-07-14)The purpose of this paper is to analyze engagement at work among public primary school directors and to investigate the impact of school heads' management style on teachers' behavior at work, in a developing country. Results ... -
Intrahousehold allocation of resources and household deprivation
(2017-07-27)This paper analyzes to what extent household financial regime, in terms of level of income pooling and decision-making responsibilities, is associated with different levels of household deprivation. We conclude that either ... -
Metodología clase invertida como alternativa para la educación matemática en la enseñanza universitaria
(2017-09-18)Este trabajo de investigación se ha realizado con los objetivos de conocer los resultados obtenidos tras haber implementado propuestas didácticas basadas en la metodología de Clase Invertida (Flipped Classroom) en distintas ... -
To weight or not to weight?: the case of PISA data
(2017-09-25)International large-scale assessments (ILSA) –like e.g. PISA, TIMSS, PIRLS, etc.– have obtained a high worldwide popularity among researchers to study students’ academic achievement. Nevertheless, in spite of their recently ... -
Influencia del nivel educativo y otros co-determinantes en la probabilidad individual de sufrir desempleo
(XXV Congreso de Economía Pública, 2018-01)El desempleo es uno de los principales problemas de la economía Española, con una evolución del mercado de trabajo notablemente peor en los últimos años que en el resto de países comparables. La tasa de paro española destaca ...