Listar CTHHAP - Contribuciones a congresos científicos por título
Mostrando ítems 64-73 de 73
The Integration of phoenician communities in the Iberian Peninsula during the Roman Empire from a postcolonial perspective
(2015-04-14)The goal of this paper is to research on the analysis of the process of integration experienced by the Phoenician-Punic communities of the Iberian Peninsula in the Roman world, from the end of the Second Punic War (206 ... -
The Mahābhārata and Greco-Roman sources: mapping out the destruction plan
(2015-09-15)In previous publications (The Mahābhārata and Greek Mythology, New Delhi, 2014, for example) I have argued that the Mahābhārata poets worked from a Greco-Roman “repertory” or “archive” in which the Iliad’s and the Greek ... -
Thomas Jefferson y la esclavitud del mundo clásico
(2016-12-05)Se estudia la visión que de la esclavitud grecorromana tuvo uno de los padres fundadores de EE. UU. Defensor de las libertades ciudadanas era al mismo tiempo uno de los grandes hacendados que empleó la mano de obra esclava ... -
Towards a Reinterpretation of Eunuchs as “Third Gender” in Ancient Eastern Mediterranean.
(2024)During the 1990s and early 2000s, the concept of the third gender became popular in Anthropology as a reaction to the binary approach of Western Ethnography in the study of other societies. The idea of "third genders" ... -
Transvestite Holy Women in Early and Proto-Byzantine Christianity
(2020-09-18)Transvestite nuns is a really common topic in Byzantine hagiographical literature. The stories of saints like Marina, Matrona of Perge, Anastasia Patrikia or Euphrosyne of Alexandria, among many others, as well as in other ... -
Tres voces femeninas olvidadas de la literatura de viajes: la visión de España y de las mujeres españolas en sus obras.
(2019-06-26)Durante el siglo Decimonónico la literatura de viajes fue un género propio de hombres. Los más famosos escritos –y los más estudiados- sobre esta temática han sido los de autores como Washington Irving, Richard Ford o ... -
La venganza de la gépida Rosamunda
(2014-11-25)Con objeto de dotar a la dinastía lombarda de unos orígenes míticos se crea durante el período de esplendor de su gobierno, todo un relato que envuelve de dramatismo la muerte de su fundador el rey Alboíno. Así se construye ... -
Was Crete a Roman Province during the Republic? Political and Institutional Changes in Crete after the Roman Conquest
(2016-10-28)Durante las últimas décadas, los conceptos de 'prouincia' e 'imperium' han vuelto a captar la atención de los historiadores, quienes han destacado, desde distintos puntos de vista, sus reticencias hacia la concepción ... -
Web, social media and geolocation in tourism research and planning.
(Historia de los Sistema Informativos (HISIN), 2021)In recent years, the revolution experienced by information and communication technologies, in addition to generating a large amount of information that sets us in a context of big data, has led to a paradigm change, where ... -
Ἀρχαῖοι μῦθοι or λόγοι δυνάμενοι? The Mythical History and its Political Impact under the Argead Dynasty
(2019-07-26)According to a passage from Aeschines’ speech On the embassy, when Athenians sent a delegation to Philip to negotiate the peace in 346, the envoys defended the Athenian dominion over Amphipolis and the so-called Ἐννέα Ὁδοί ...