Listar BV - Contribuciones a congresos científicos por título
Mostrando ítems 72-91 de 157
Factores que afectan a la crioconservación de embriones somáticos de olivo (Olea europaea L.)
(2013-11-05)La crioconservación es una técnica de gran valor para la conservación a largo plazo de material de interés biotecnológico, como son los cultivos embriogénicos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue desarrollar un protocolo de ... -
Fruit cell culture as a model system to study cell wall changes during strawberry fruit ripening
(2016-07-01)Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa, Duch.) fruit is characterized by its fast ripening and soft texture at the ripen stage, resulting in a short postharvest shelf life and high economic losses. It is generally believed that ... -
Functional groups and traits in Mediterranean serpentine ecosystems (Sierra Bermeja, Spain).
(2021)The study of plant functional traits (PFTs) as key drivers of ecosystems. In order to know the principal PFTs of serpentine vegetation in the Iberian Peninsula, we studied the south Iberian ultramafic scrublands to determine ... -
Functional groups and traits of plants in Mediterranean ultramafic shrublands (Sierra Bermeja, Spain).
(2023)Plant functional traits (FTs) are important for understanding plant ecological strategies (e.g., drought avoidance), especially in the nutrient-poor soils of serpentine ecosystems (Díaz et al., 2016). In Mediterranean ... -
Global warming advances the flowering of plane tree in Malaga (southern Spain)
(2022-09-13)Temperature has been identified as one of the most influent meteorological variable in bud development and pollen release in many arboreal taxa. Consequently, global warming is affecting the flowering phenology of many ... -
HCO3- enrichment causes cytosolic NO3- efflux in Posidonia oceanica leaf cells
(2019-07-10)Posidonia oceanica is a seagrass, the only group of vascular plants to colonize the marine environment. Seawater is an extreme yet stable environment, characterized by high salinity, alkaline pH and low availability of ... -
Heterologous expression of AtNPR1 gene in olive for increasing fungal tolerance
(2018-10-29)The NPR1 gene encodes a key component of SAR signaling mediated by salicylic acid (SA). After a pathogen infection, the accumulation of SA releases NPR1 monomers in the cytosol that are translocated to the nucleus, activating ... -
High-throughput mapping of cell wall glycans to unveil cell wall disassembly, a key process determining strawberry fruit softening
(ISHS, 2021-05-03)The short shelf life of strawberry fruit is a major limitation that produces important economic losses related to postharvest spoiling. Fruit texture of fleshy fruits is a complex trait but mainly rely on mechanical ... -
How can seasonality modulate thermal sensitivity in early stages of fucoids?: The colder, the better
(12th International Phycological Congress (IPC21), 2020-03-22)In the face of ocean global change, determining critical thermal thresholds for marine organisms is a key aspect to predict the survival and persistence of populations, particularly those from rear-edge areas. Seasonal ... -
Huerto docente de la UMA: experiencias de un huerto urbano aplicado a la docencia e investigación universitaria.
(2018-06-07)Desde hace 4 años, el huerto docente de la Universidad de Málaga se establece como un espacio que abarca múltiples ámbitos y que se estructura como huerto urbano. En la dimensión docente, el objetivo es la realización de ... -
Identificación de variantes somaclonales de interés para la mejora genética de olivo
(2015-09-25)El olivo es uno de los cultivos de mayor importancia económica en los países de la cuenca mediterránea, lo que justifica el desarrollo de programas de mejora encaminados a resolver algunos de los problemas que limitan su ... -
Identificación de ventanas temporales de invasividad del alga invasora Rugulopteryx okamurae (Dictyotales, Ochrophyta) sobre una pradera de Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile
(XXIII Simposio Internacional de Botánica Criptogámica, 2022-07)Las invasiones biológicas constituyen una de las principales amenazas en la pérdida de biodiversidad. Desde el año 2015, las costas del Estrecho de Gibraltar se ven afectadas por la invasión del alga asiática Rugulopteryx ... -
Impacto del cambio climático en los hábitats de interés comunitario de los bosques andaluces
(COANCIAM, 2022)En Andalucía se prevén cambios en las condiciones climáticas futuras que podrían afectar a sus bosques. Los objetivos de este estudio son: (1) generar modelos climáticos que evalúen la exposición de los bosques climatófilos ... -
Implementation of the PhenoFlex framework for forecasting the start of the main pollen season in the context of climate change
(2024)Climate change is affecting the flowering seasonality of many plant species, disrupting the dynamics of their life cycles and triggering changes in ecosystems. These changes are not uniform across all species and geographic ... -
The incidence of Amaranthaceae pollen in Qatar: a two-years research
(2019-09-04)Aerobiological studies are carried out in many areas of the world, the information generated being released through different mass-media to the population in general. Besides that, many are the studies published in the ... -
Índices basados en macroalgas para la estimación del estado ecológico en Andalucía en el contexto de la Directiva Marco del Agua
(2014-05-07)De acuerdo con la Directiva Marco del Agua (DMA), el estado ecológico de las masas de agua costeras europeas se evalúa mediante diferentes elementos de calidad biológicos. Uno de los cuatro elementos de calidad propuestos ... -
Intradiurnal variations of atmospheric pollen in natural and urban-rural environments in southern Spain
(2020-11-24)Local pollen sources and meteorological conditions influence the intradiurnal patterns of airborne pollen, determining the hours of the day when the highest pollen concentrations are registered. Sierra de las Nieves is a ... -
Isolation and transfection of strawverry protoplasts for gene editing
(2021)Strawberry is the most economically important soft fruit. The improvement of the organoleptic qualities of ripe fruit and the postharvest shelf life are main objectives of strawberry breeding programs. Fruit softening is ... -
Key features of a succesful invasive macroalgae: the case of asparagopsis taxiformis in Alboran Sea
(2017-07-07)Asparagopsis taxiformis (Bonnemaisoniales, Rhodophyta) is considered one of the most invasive seaweeds in the Mediterranean, and is included in the spanish checklist of invasive species. Recorded for first time in Southern ... -
Keys to understand the invasive success of Rugulopteryx okamurae (Dictyotales, Ochrophyta).
(XXIII Simposio Internacional de Botánica Criptogámica, 2022-07)Since its first records in the Strait of Gibraltar in 2015, the Pacific brown algae Rugulopteryx okamurae has produced important environmental and socioeconomic impacts that have attracted media attention to a seaweed in ...