Listar BV - Contribuciones a congresos científicos por título
Mostrando ítems 126-145 de 157
Regeneration of plants from somatic embryos of Verticillium dahliae-resistant wild olive genotypes
(2018-10-29)Regeneration capacity, via somatic embryogenesis, of several wild olive genotypes differing in their response to Verticillium wilt (resistant genotypes Stop Vert, Out Vert, Ac4 and Ac 18 and the susceptible Ac 15) has been ... -
Relaciones hídricas y plasticidad fenotípica en cultivares de Fragaria x ananassa como estrategia frente a un escenario de limitación hídrica y cambio climático Landete-Tormo MB, Sesmero R, Quesada
(2018-10-17)En un escenario de cambio climático y de escasez de recursos hídricos es de suma importancia recuperar y seleccionar especies agrícolas que presenten respuestas plásticas y que hagan un uso eficiente del agua. En este ... -
Resilience of a warm-temperate fucoid to a simulated marine heatwave: Exploring the interplay between life stages and tissues in relation to emersion.
(2023)Marine heatwaves (MHW) represent one of the main climatic threats for seaweed assemblages, altering their functioning, structure, and ecosystem services. Experimental simulations allow to assess the potential impacts of ... -
Resin vesicles in Abies pinsapo: Characterization and effect on germination
(Sociedad Española de Biología de Plantas, 2021)Seeds of some conifer species have resin vesicles in their coats (Kolotelo 1997). Different roles have been proposed for the liquid oleoresin contained in these cavities, such as protection of the seed against pathogens, ... -
Rhamnogalacturonase lyase gene downregulation in strawberry and its potential on mechanical fruit properties
(2017-07-04)Strawberry softening is one of the main factors that reduces fruit quality and leads to economically important losses. Textural changes during fruit ripening are mainly due to the dissolution of middle lamellae, a reduction ... -
Seasonal and intradaily variations of Parietaria pollen in the atmosphere of Málaga.
(2023)Parietaria pollen is one of the main causes of hay fever and asthma in the population, presenting a high allergenicity. That is why, in order to inform the population, it is important to determine whether its behaviour pattern ... -
Seasonal and microhabitat variability in the demography and morphology of Ericaria selaginoides (Linnaeus) from a mid-western Alboran sea population: Characterization and pilot restoration experience
(2021)This study aimed to assess the seasonal population dynamics and morphological changes of the canopy-forming macrophyte Ericaria selaginoides from a mid-western Alboran sea population (La Araña, Málaga, Spain). Demographic ... -
Seaweeds as bioindicators in the context of the Water Framework Directive: The case of Andalusia
(2021)Marine ecosystems are increasingly subjected to a variety of anthropogenic pressures, which can alter environmental conditions (e.g., acidification, climate change, eutrophication, biological invasions, emergent contaminants, ... -
Selección y Conservación de especies cultivadas atendiendo a la plasticidad fenotípica de caracteres morfológicos y funcionales relacionados con el uso del agua como estrategia de adaptación al cambio climático: El caso particular de Fragaria X ananassa
(2018-12-18)Para garantizar la producción de alimentos y la soberanía alimentaria actual y futura de los pueblos se requiere transitar hacia un manejo y gestión agroecológica, incluído el cultivo de variedades localmente adaptadas al ... -
Smart trees. Reusing UMA´s waste: un árbol biotecnológico para mejorar entornos docentes universitarios y ofrecer servicios conectivos
(2020-10-13)En la actualidad, el cambio climático amenaza no sólo a los ecosistemas naturales, también a nuestro entorno urbano, por lo que se hace necesaria una labor de mitigación de éste en las ciudades. Conscientes de ello, desde ... -
Somatic embryogenesis in explants of adult wild olive trees
(2016-03-11)In this investigation, somatic embryogenesis in explants of adult wild olive trees, using the protocol developed by Mazri et al. (2013, Sci. Hort. 159: 88-95), was induced. Four genotypes differring in the level of resistance ... -
Spain´s progress on SDGs 11 and 13
(Arbocity, Madrid, 2024)Since the First Industrial Revolution, the increase in human activities based on the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation, coupled with the ever-accelerating growth of the world population, has triggered an unprecedented ... -
Strawberry fruit quality and production under drought stress conditions.
(2024)The increase in temperature and the decrease in water resources predicted by climate change models will directly influence the productivity, ripening rate, and organoleptic quality of fruit crops. Strawberry is an important ... -
Supervivencia al fuego en edafófitos endémicos y amenazados (Sierra Alpujata, Málaga, España)
(2019-07-24)En la Cuenca Mediterránea, los afloramientos serpentínicos constituyen ecosistemas especiales muy condicionados por la roca y suelos hostiles a la flora (serpentinófitos), lo que supone un esfuerzo adaptativo adicional al ... -
Temporal variability of Oscillatoria sp. in extreme environment: a sulfide-rich spring outflow
(2017-09-13)Backgrounds The Hedionda Spa (Andalucía, southern Spain) is a sulfide-rich spring outflow, but despite the inhibitory effect of sulfide on photosynthesis, a phytoplankton community inhabits this extreme environment. Objectives ... -
Tendencias aerobiológicas en táxones arbóreos como consecuencia del cambio climático. Málaga (Andalucía) como caso de estudio.
(Sociedad Botánica Esapañola, 2021)La temperatura media de la Tierra ha aumentado 0,65ºC desde 1951, aunque este incremento.... -
Tendencias en el periodo principal de polinación del tipo polínico Quercus en Málaga (Andalucía) y su relación con el cambio climático
(2022)El cambio climático está afectando a la temporalidad e intensidad de la floración de muchos taxones arbóreos, y también a los procesos de transporte y dispersión del polen (Zhang y Steiner 2022). Esto repercute en las ... -
The germplasm bank of the Botanical Garden of the University of Malaga.
(2023)The collection of the Germplasm Bank of the University of Malaga began recently associated with its Botanical Garden, in October 2021. The collection is made up of diaspores (fruits/seeds) of plant species belonging to the ... -
The need for ecological restoration of watercourses invaded by exotic species (to increase ecological flow): A vision of restoration and circularity.
The problem of living in the sea: the uptake of inorganic carbon and nutrients in Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile
(2015-06-22)The genus Posidonia exhibits a peculiar geographical distribution. It is composed by nine species, eight of which are distributed along the Australian coasts and only one, Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile, is a Mediterranean ...