ListarBCGF - Contribuciones a congresos científicos por tema "Geminivirus"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 32
A sensitive method to quantify replicative forms of circular DNA viruses
(2013-12-13)Although real-time PCR diagnostic protocols for detection of geminivirusesare available, none of them are able to discriminate between the two strands generated during an infection: the viral strand (VS) that is encapsidated ... -
Análisis de la infección por geminivirus en plantas con la maquinaria de metilación del DNA alterada.
(2015-10-26)Los geminivirus son virus de plantas pertenecientes a la familia Geminiviridae. Poseen un genoma compuesto por una o dos moléculas de DNA circular de cadena simple y una cápside compuesta de 2 partes icosaédricas gemelas, ... -
Complex interaction among virus-plant-vector in the Tomato yellow leaf curl disease (TYLCD)
(2022)Geminiviruses constitute the largest plant family of DNA viruses that cause diseases in crops worldwide. Among them, Tomato yellow leaf curl disease (TYLCD) is one of the most devastating viral diseases affecting tomato ... -
Detección y caracterización de virus emergentes de ADN de plantas para una agricultura sostenible
(2017-11-06)Los virus de la familia Geminiviridae son virus de ADN monocatenario circular mono- o bipartito encapsulados en partículas geminadas que afectan a cultivos de plantas mono y dicotiledóneas. Los geminivirus son patógenos ... -
Discerning the relationship between geminiviral infection and vesicle trafficking using virus induced gene silencing
(2017-06-26)Tomato yellow leaf curl disease is one of the most important threats to tomato crops worldwide. One of its causal agents, Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinian virus (TYLCSV) is a monopartite member of the genus Begomovirus ... -
Dissecting the relevance of vesicle trafficking for the movement of geminiviruses
(2022-09)Tomato yellow leaf curl disease is one of the most important threats to tomato crops worldwide. One of its causal agents, Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinian virus (TYLCSV), is a monopartite member of the genus Begomovirus ... -
Geminiviral protein Rep interferes in PCNA sumoylation
(2015-10-21)Rep is a multifunctional protein essential for replication of geminivirus that interferes with the sumoylation of a key protein in the DNA replication, PCNA (Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen). It is known that Rep is ... -
Geminivirus Rep Protein Interferes with the Plant DNA Methylation Machinery and Modifies the Host Epigenome
(2016-09-27)The apparent simplicity of viruses hides the complexity of their interactions with their hosts. Viruses are masters at circumventing host defenses and manipulating the cellular environment for their own benefit. The ... -
Geminivirus Rep Protein Interferes with the Plant DNA Methylation Machinery and Suppresses Transcriptional Gene Silencing
(2013-12-13)Cytosine methylation is an epigenetic mark that promotes gene silencing and plays an important role in genome defense against transposons and invading DNA viruses. So far just one geminiviral protein, C2 from Tomato golden ... -
Geminivirus Rep Protein Interferes with the Plant DNA Methylation Machinery and Suppresses Transcriptional Gene Silencing
(2015-07-06)The apparent simplicity of viruses hides the complexity of their interactions with their hosts. Viruses are masters at circumventing host defenses and manipulating the cellular environment for their own benefit. The ... -
Geminivirus Rep Protein Interferes with the Plant DNA Methylation Machinery and Suppresses Transcriptional Gene Silencing
(2015-10-20)Viruses are masters at circumventing host defenses and manipulating the cellular environment for their own benefit. The replication of the largest known family of single-stranded DNA viruses, Geminiviridae, is impaired by ... -
Geminivirus replication protein decreases PCNA sumoylation at two acceptor sites
(2019-06-07)Geminiviruses are plant viruses with circular, single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) genomes that infect a broad range of plants causing substantial crop diseases worldwide. They replicate in nuclei of infected cells by using host ... -
Geminivirus replication protein impairs sumo conjugation of PCNA at two acceptor sites
(2018-10-29)Geminiviruses are plant viruses with circular, single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) genomes that infect a broad range of plants causing substantial crop diseases worldwide. They replicate in nuclei of infected cells by using host ... -
Geminivirus replication protein impairs sumo conjugation of PCNA at two acceptor sites
(2018-07-12)Geminiviruses are plant viruses with circular, single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) genomes that infect a broad range of plants causing substantial crop diseases worldwide. They replicate in nuclei of infected cells by using host ... -
Identification of virus determinants and mechanisms that regulate tomato leaf curl New Delhi host range
(2022-01)Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV) is a whitefly-transmitted bipartite begomovirus (genus Begomovirus, family Geminiviridae), whose genome contain two single-stranded DNA molecules (DNA-A and DNA-B). This virus ... -
Identifying the function of vesicle trafficking in geminiviral infection using virus induced gene silencing
(2015-10-21)Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinian virus (TYLCSV) is one of the causal agent of the tomato yel-low leaf curl disease, one of the most important threats to tomato crops worldwide. TYLCSV is a monopartite member of the genus ... -
Importance of the temperature in the interaction plant-geminivirus
(2017)Introduction. Geminivirusare plant viruses that have circular single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) genome encapsidated in twinned quasi-icosahedral (geminate) virionsand are a serious threat to diverse economically important crops ... -
Importance of vesicle trafficking in the establichsment of a geminiviral infection
(2017)Importance of vesicle trafficking in the establishment of a geminiviral infection P. CANA-QUIJADA1, T. ROSAS-DÍAZ2, LOZANO-DURÁN R. 2 AND E.R. BEJARANO1 1Dpto. Biología Celular, Genética y Fisiología. Área de Genética ... -
Intregrated transcriptome, methylome and smallRNA profile analysis of a geminivirus infection
(2018-01-08)Geminiviruses constitute the largest family of plant-infecting viruses with small, single- stranded DNA genomes that replicate through double-stranded DNA intermediates. Because of their limited coding capacity, geminiviruses ... -
Molecular Ecology of Geminivirus C2 protein over the viral insect vector Bemisia tabaci
(2013-12-13)Plant-pathogen-vector systems are characterized by a complex array of direct and indirect interactions, usually not well understood. The whitefly Bemisia tabaci is responsible for extensive losses mainly through the ...