Listar BCGF - Contribuciones a congresos científicos por título
Mostrando ítems 159-178 de 268
Late-life depression accelerates cognitive decline in a tauopathy mouse model
(IBRO/FENS, 2023)Background: Clinical studies suggest that depressive symptoms could be considered an important risk factor for the future development of cognitive impairment and even Alzheimer's disease (AD). In fact, there is a strong ... -
Late-life depression is able to accelerate learning and memory impairment in a mouse model of Alzheimer´s disease
(CSHL, 2022)Clinical studies suggest that depression could be considered an important risk factor for the future development of cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease (AD). In fact, there is a strong association between late-life ... -
Lithium, as a neuroprotective therapy for Alzheimer’s disease pathology, modifies abeta plaque toxicity
(2014-07-02)BACKGROUND: Despite the relatively large information about the Alzheimer’s disease (AD) pathology, no effective disease-modifying treatment has been yet developed. Lithium, a primary drug to treat bipolar disorder, has ... -
Litio como terapia neuroprotectora en el modelo APPSL/PS1M146L de la enfermedad de Alzheimer.
(2013)El litio se utiliza desde hace varias décadas en el tratamiento de trastornos bipolares y la depresión, y recientemente se debate su uso potencial en patologías neurodegenerativas como la enfermedad de Alzheimer (AD). ... -
Long-time effects of an experimental therapy with mesenchymal stem cells in congenital hydrocephalus
(2019-07-03)Introduction: Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSC) are a potential therapeutic tool due to their ability for migrating and producing neuroprotector factors when they are transplanted in other neurodegenerative ... -
Longitudinal assessment of tau pet imaging and its correlation with neuropathology and clinical signs progression
(Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 2020-12-02)Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and other associated dementias remain a consistent and unruly problem for the aging population and health. As the world’s population increases, so does the prevalence of age-related dementias. The ... -
Metabolite fingerprint detected with HR-MAS spectroscopy in ex vivo samples of cases with congenital hydrocephalus
(2014-07-16)Background: Changes in the profile of metabolites in brain and/or fluids can be useful to evaluate the severity and evolution of hydrocephalus, and consequently to help in treatment decisions. Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy ... -
A metabolite profile reveals the presence of neurodegenerative conditions according to severity of hydrocephalus
(2018-11-29)Introduction: In obstructive congenital hydrocephalus, cerebrospinal fluid accumulation is associated with high intracranial pressure (ICP), ischemia/hypoxia, metabolic impairment, neuronal damage and astrocytic reaction. ... -
Methylases and methylation in gene regulation in Pseudomonas syringae
(2022-07-03)DNA methylation carried out by methyltransferases not associated with restriction enzymes, known as orphan methyltransferases, is an epigenetic mechanism widely spread in bacteria and archea. These orphan methylases show ... -
Metilasas y metilación en la regulación génica de Pseudomonas syringae
(2022)La metilación del ADN llevada a cabo por metilasas no asociadas a enzimas de restricción, conocidas como metilasas huérfanas, es un mecanismo epigenético ampliamente extendido en bacterias y archeas. La especificidad de ... -
Microglial and neurogenic alterations in hypothalamus due to acute stress
(2021-07)Microglial cells are an important glial population known to be involved in several biological processes such as stress response. These cells engage an activated state following a stress insult that may lead to nervous ... -
Microglial response differences between amyloidogenic transgenic models and Alzheimer’s disease patients
(2018-07-20)Aims: The continuing failure to develop an effective treatment for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) reveals the complexity for AD pathology. Increasing evidence indicates that neuroinflammation involving particularly microglial ... -
Microglial responses in the human Alzheimer’s disease frontal cortex
(2019-07-17)The continuing failure to develop an effective treatment for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) reveals the complexity for this pathology. Increasing evidence indicates that neuroinflammation involving particularly microglial ... -
MicroLife: from prediction to function
(2022-07)Bacteria have a wide variety of lifestyles ranging from pathogenic, causing diseases in animals, plants or humans, to beneficial. Some of these beneficial bacteria have evolved together with plants and provide specific ... -
Microtubule stabilization protects cognitive function and slows down the course of Alzheimer's like pathology in an amyloidogenic mouse model
(2020-12-17)Cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease (AD) is highly related to synaptic dysfunction and neuronal loss. In AD, the hyperphosphorylation of tau compromises axonal transport and leads to the generation of dystrophic ... -
Microtubule stabilization reduces amyloid pathology and improves synaptic/memory deficits in APP/PS1 mice
(Alzheimer disease & Parkinson disease Conference 2021, 2021)Aims: Cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease (AD) is highly related to synaptic/neuronal loss. Tau hyperphosphorylation destabilizes microtubules leading to axonal transport failure and generation of dystrophic neurites, ... -
miRNA/phasiRNA mediated regulation of plant defense response against P. syringae
(2018-09-10)Gene silencing is a mechanism of regulation of gene expression where the small RNAs (sRNAs) are key components for giving specificity to the system. In plants, two main types of noncoding small RNA molecules have been ... -
Mitochondrial ultrastructural defects in reactive astrocytes of Alzheimer's mice hippocampus.
(2023)Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a complex neurodegenerative condition that causes progressive memory loss and dementia. In AD brains astrocyte become reactive potentially contributing to cognitive decline. Astrocyte reactivity ... -
Molecular characterization of MicroRNA-silenced TNL-1 (MIST1) and its role in plant defense
(2022)miRNAs are sequence-dependent negative regulators of gene expression involved in many relevant plant processes, including immunity. Activation of defence genes can negatively impact plant fitness, and thus needs to be ... -
Molecular Ecology of Geminivirus C2 protein over the viral insect vector Bemisia tabaci
(2013-12-13)Plant-pathogen-vector systems are characterized by a complex array of direct and indirect interactions, usually not well understood. The whitefly Bemisia tabaci is responsible for extensive losses mainly through the ...