Listar AC - Contribuciones a congresos científicos por título
Mostrando ítems 50-69 de 106
iDA: Preservando el acceso a bases de datos a muy largo plazo.
(2024)El proyecto iDA (Immortal Database Accesss) tiene como objetivo el ofrecer una visión general de las posibilidades tecnológicas para la preservación de los sistemas informáticos desmantelados (decommissioned) y los datos ... -
Implementaciones paralelas para un problema de control de inventarios de productos perecederos
(2015-10-05)En este trabajo se analizan y eval uan dos implementaciones de un algoritmo de optimizaci on para un problema de control de inventarios de productos perecederos. Las implementaciones se han llevado a cabo utilizando ... -
Improvements in Hardware Transactional Memory for GPU Architectures
(2016-07-20)In the multi-core CPU world, transactional memory (TM)has emerged as an alternative to lock-based programming for thread synchronization. Recent research proposes the use of TM in GPU architectures, where a high number of ... -
Improving Fixed-Point Implementation of QR Decomposition by Rounding-to-Nearest
(2015-06-29)QR decomposition is a key operation in many current communication systems. This paper shows how to reduce the area of a fixed-point QR decomposition implementation based on Givens rotations by using a new number ... -
Improving Signatures by Locality Exploitation for Transactional Memory
(IEEE, 2009)Writing multithreaded programs is a fairly complex task that poses a major obstacle to exploit multicore processors. Transactional Memory (TM) emerges as an alternative to the conventional multithreaded programming to ... -
Improving Transactional Memory Performance for Irregular Applications
(2015-06-11)Transactional memory (TM) offers optimistic concurrency support in modern multicore archi- tectures, helping the programmers to extract parallelism in irregular applications when data dependence information is not available ... -
Insights into the Fallback Path of Best-Effort Hardware Transactional Memory Systems
(Springer International Publishing, 2016-08-24)Current industry proposals for Hardware Transactional Memory (HTM) focus on best-effort solutions (BE-HTM) where hardware limits are imposed on transactions. These designs may show a significant performance degradation ... -
An Introduction to Intel Threading Building Blocks and its Support for Heterogeneous Programming
(2018-03-12)Due to energy constraints, high performance computing platforms are becoming increasingly heterogeneous, achieving greater performance per watt through the use of hardware that is tuned to specific computational kernels ... -
Irrevocabilidad Relajada para Memoria Transaccional Hardware
(2016-09-20)Los sistemas comerciales que ofrecen memoria transaccional (TM) implementan un sistema hardware best-effort (BE-HTM) con limitaciones. Es necesario programar un fallback software basado en cerrojos para asegurar el progreso ... -
Localizando partículas en un fluido a partir de holografías y computación de altas prestaciones
(2014-09-24)La tomografía se ha introducido recientemente en la velocimetría de fluidos para proporcionar información en tres dimensiones de la localización de partículas en el seno de fluidos. En concreto, algunos trabajos previos ... -
Low-textured regions detection for improving stereoscopy algorithms
(2014-07-29)The main goal of stereoscopy algorithms is the calculation of the disparity map between two frames corresponding to the same scene, and captured simultaneously by two different cameras. The different position (disparity) ... -
Memoria Transaccional Hardware en Memoria Local de GPU
(2015-09-25)Los aceleradores gráficos (GPUs) se han convertido en procesadores de prop ́osito general muy populares para el cómputo de aplicaciones que presen- tan un gran paralelismo de datos. Su modelo de ejecución SIMT (Single ... -
Memoria Transaccional Software en Procesadores CPU+GPU Heterogéneos
(2018-09-19)En los procesadores multi-núcleo, la memoria transaccional (TM) ha aparecido como una alternativa prometedora a las técnicas basadas en cerrojos para garantizar exclusión mutua y está siendo incluida como parte de procesadores ... -
Modelling vessel fleet composition for maintenance operations at offshore wind farms
(2018-12-20)Chartering a vessel fleet to support maintenance operations at offshore wind farms (OWF's) constitutes one of the major costs of maintaining this type of installations. Literature describes deterministic optimization models ... -
Multimodal Human Pose Feature Fusion for Gait Recognition.
(2023)Gait recognition allows identifying people at a distance based on the way they walk (i.e. gait) in a non-invasive approach. Most of the approaches published in the last decades are dominated by the use of silhouettes or ... -
Multiset Signatures for Transactional Memory
(ACM, 2011)Transactional Memory (TM) systems must record the memory locations read and written (read and write sets) by concurrent transactions in order to detect conflicts. Some TM implementations use signatures for this purpose, ... -
NATSA: A Near-Data Processing Accelerator for Time Series Analysis.
(IEEE, 2020)El análisis de series temporales es una técnica clave para extraer y predecir sucesos en ámbitos tan diversos como la epidemiología, la genómica, la neurociencia, las ciencias medioambientales o la economía, entre otros. ... -
Normalizing or not normalizing? An open question for floating-point arithmetic in embedded systems
(IEEE, 2017-07-24)Emerging embedded applications lack of a specific standard when they require floating-point arithmetic. In this situation they use the IEEE-754 standard or ad hoc variations of it. However, this standard was not designed ... -
On computational procedures for Value Iteration in inventory control
(2019-09-11)Dynamic programming (DP) is often seen in inventory control to lead to optimal ordering policies. When considering stationary demand, Value Iteration (VI) may be used to derive the best policy. In this paper, our focus is ... -
On the parallelization of a three-parametric log-logistic estimation algorithm
(2014-09-25)Networked telerobots transmit data from its sensors to the remote controller. To provide guarantees on the time requirements of these systems it is mandatory to keep the transmission time delays below a given threshold, ...