Listar AC - Contribuciones a congresos científicos por título
Mostrando ítems 23-42 de 109
Digit recurence division under HUB format
(2016-07-21)Half-Unit-Biased format is based on shifting the representation line of the binary numbers by half Unit in the Last Place. The main feature of this format is that the round to nearest is carried out by a simple truncation, ... -
Diseño del compilador de la máquina virtual inmortal iVM
(Sociedad de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores (SARTECO), 2022-09-21)Conservar la información digital durante mucho tiempo es difı́cil, incluso cuando se utiliza un medio de almacenamiento pasivo duradero, como una pelı́cula fotográfica almacenada en las condiciones adecuadas. En dicho ... -
DNA Sequences Alignment in Multi-GPUs: Energy Payoff on Speculative Executions
(2017-05-30)We present a performance per watt analysis of CUDAlign 4.0, a parallel strategy to obtain the optimal alignment of huge DNA se- quences in multi-GPU platforms using the exact Smith-Waterman method. Speed-up factors and ... -
Efficient Floating-Point Representation for Balanced Codes for FPGA Devices
(2013-10-30)We propose a floating–point representation to deal efficiently with arithmetic operations in codes with a balanced number of additions and multiplications for FPGA devices. The variable shift operation is very slow in ... -
Efficient OpenCL-based concurrent tasks offloading on accelerators
(Procedia Computer Science, 2017)Current heterogeneous platforms with CPUs and accelerators have the ability to launch several independent tasks simultaneously, in order to exploit concurrency among them. These tasks typically consist of data transfer ... -
End-to-end Incremental Learning
(2018-07-06)Although deep learning approaches have stood out in recent years due to their state-of-the-art results, they continue to suffer from (catastrophic forgetting), a dramatic decrease in overall performance when training with ... -
Energy Efficiency of Software Transactional Memory in a Heterogeneous Architecture
(2016-09-07)Hardware vendors make an important effort creating low-power CPUs that keep battery duration and durability above acceptable levels. In order to achieve this goal and provide good performance-energy for a wide variety of ... -
Entropy-based High Performance Computation of Boolean SNP-SNP Interactions Using GPUs
(2014-05-02)It is being increasingly accepted that traditional statistical Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) analysis of Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) reveals just a small part of the heritability in complex diseases. ... -
Evaluación del consumo energético de la memoria transaccional en procesadores heterogéneos
(2016)Actualmente existe una enorme cantidad de dispositivos y sistemas, como ordenadores portátiles y teléfonos móviles, que dependen de una batería para su funcionamiento. Como consecuencia, el hardware que incorporan debe ser ... -
Evaluation of CNN architectures for gait recognition based on optical flow maps
(2017)This work targets people identification in video based on the way they walk (\ie gait) by using deep learning architectures. We explore the use of convolutional neural networks (CNN) for learning high-level descriptors ... -
Exploiting Vector Extensions to Accelerate Time Series Analysis.
(SARTECO, 2022-09-21)Time series analysis is an important research topic and a key step in monitoring and predicting events in many fields. Recently, the Matrix Profile method, and particularly two of its Euclidean-distance-based implementations ... -
Explotando el nuevo módulo OpenCL de Intel TBB
(2018-07-20)Este artículo tiene como objetivo contribuir al desarrollo de la programación paralela trabajando en una de las herramientas desarrolladas por Intel: Intel Threading Building Blocks (Intel TBB). Hemos implementado una ... -
Expressing Heterogeneous Parallelism in C++ with Threading Building Blocks
(2017-12-18)Due to energy constraints, high performance computing platforms are becoming increasingly heterogeneous, achieving greater performance per watt through the use of hardware that is tuned to specific computational kernels ... -
A first step to accelerating fingerprint matching based on deformable minutiae clustering
(2018-07-12)Fingerprint recognition is one of the most used biometric methods for authentication. The identification of a query fingerprint requires matching its minutiae against every minutiae of all the fingerprints of the database. ... -
Floating Point Square Root under HUB Format
(2017-09-26)Unit-Biased (HUB) is an emerging format based on shifting the representation line of the binary numbers by half unit in the last place. The HUB format is specially relevant for computers where rounding to nearest is ... -
FPGA acceleration of bit-true simulations for word-length optimization.
(IEEE, 2021)The end of Moore's law and the arrival of new highly demanding applications have awakened the interest in exploring different number representation formats and also combining them to implement domain-specific accelerators. ... -
Gait recognition and fall detection with inertial sensors
(2019-11-26)In contrast to visual information that is recorded by cameras placed somewhere, inertial information can be obtained from mobile phones that are commonly used in daily life. We present in this talk a general deep learning ... -
Gait recognition applying Incremental learning
(2019-11-25)when new knowledge needs to be included in a classifier, the model is retrained from scratch using a huge training set that contains all available information of both old and new knowledge. However, in this talk, we present ... -
Generating order policies by SDP: non-stationary demand and service level constraints
(2015-07-06)Inventory control implies dynamic decision making. Therefore, dynamic programming seems an appropriate approach to look for order policies. For finite horizon planning, the implementation of service level constraints ... -
GPGPU: Challenges ahead
(2015-11-13)Evolución, presente y futuro de la memoria DRAM del computador desde el punto de vista de los procesadores gráficos actuales, y su contribución presente y futura para la aceleración de aplicaciones científicas.