Listar AGT - Libros por fecha de publicación
Mostrando ítems 1-4 de 4
A course on Leavitt path algebras
(2015-10-05)En este libro se tratan las nociones básicas relacionadas con dichas álgebras. Se ven ejemplos, se clasifican las de dimensión finita, se caracterizan las simples y las puramente infinitas simples, obteniéndose el principio ... -
The center and the Lie structure of a Leavitt path algebra
(2015-10-29)These notes contain all the explanations and references corresponding to the course I delivered during the first CIMPA research school in Panama in October 2015 (see the complete program of the school here: http://cimpa. ... -
The center and the Lie structure of a Leavitt path algebra
(2017-06-30)Este es el curso que impartí en la Escuela de investigación "CIMPA School Recent trends in non-commutative algebra" en junio de 2017 en Pune, India (véase -
A filtration associated to an abelian inner ideal and the speciality of the subquotient of a Lie algebra.
(Springer Nature, 2022)For any abelian inner ideal B of a Lie algebra L such that [B, KerB]^n ⊆ B for some natural n, we build a bounded filtration whose first nonzero term is B and the extremes of the induced Z-graded Lie algebra coincide ...