Different a-Fe2O3 porous architectures were obtained by electrospinning (nanotubes) or without elec trospinning (flakes), and heating treatments using Fe(NO3)2/PVP (Polyvinylpyrrolidone) as a precursor. The particles constituting the nanotubes and flakes samples exhibited similar wall porosity and crystal size, while the existence of the micropore area was also a characteristic. The chemical identity was confirmed as hematite by XRD, Raman and XPS studies. The prepared samples were studied as photo catalytic materials in the removal of NOX gases from air, their De-NOX ability being superior to that previously reported for hematite photocatalysts. These porous hematite samples exhibited a high NO conversion efficiency and similar to that of TiO2 P25, this being the first report for a-Fe2O3 oxide. Additionally, the calculated De-NOX selectivity values were higher than that of TiO2 P25. The adsorption of NO2 molecules is facilitated on these porous architectures, assisting in the enhancement of the of the photochemical process selectivity