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dc.contributor.authorBradai, Mariem
dc.contributor.authorAmorim-Silva, Vitor
dc.contributor.authorBelgaroui, Nibras
dc.contributor.authorEsteban del Valle, Alicia
dc.contributor.authorChabouté, Marie-Edith
dc.contributor.authorSchmit, Anne-Catherine
dc.contributor.authorLozano-Durán, Rosa
dc.contributor.authorBotella-Mesa, Miguel Ángel 
dc.contributor.authorHanin, Moez
dc.contributor.authorEbel, Chantal
dc.identifier.citationBradai M, Amorim-Silva V, Belgaroui N, Esteban del Valle A, Chabouté M-E, Schmit A-C, Lozano-Duran R, Botella MA, Hanin M, Ebel C. Wheat Type One Protein Phosphatase Participates in the Brassinosteroid Control of Root Growth via Activation of BES1. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021; 22(19):10424.
dc.description.abstractBrassinosteroids (BRs) play key roles in diverse plant growth processes through a complex signaling pathway. Components orchestrating the BR signaling pathway include receptors such as kinases, transcription factors, protein kinases and phosphatases. The proper functioning of the receptor kinase BRI1 and the transcription factors BES1/BZR1 depends on their dephosphorylation by type 2A protein phosphatases (PP2A). In this work, we report that an additional phosphatase family, type one protein phosphatases (PP1), contributes to the regulation of the BR signaling pathway. Co-immunoprecipitation and BiFC experiments performed in Arabidopsis plants overexpressing durum wheat TdPP1 showed that TdPP1 interacts with dephosphorylated BES1, but not with the BRI1 receptor. Higher levels of dephosphorylated, active BES1 were observed in these transgenic lines upon BR treatment, indicating that TdPP1 modifies the BR signaling pathway by activating BES1. Moreover, ectopic expression of durum wheat TdPP1 lead to an enhanced growth of primary roots in comparison to wild-type plants in presence of BR. This phenotype corroborates with a down-regulation of the BR-regulated genes CPD and DWF4. These data suggest a role of PP1 in fine-tuning BR-driven responses, most likely via the control of the phosphorylation status of BES1.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipThe authors acknowledge the Tunisian Ministry of Higher Education and Research for funding, and the National Agency for Research Promotion (ANPR) for the financial management of the PRIMA Project GENDIBAR. This work was also supported by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (grant BIO2017-82609-R to M.A.B and V.A-S). Mariem Bradai was granted by Mujeres por Africa and from COST INDEPTH Action (COST CA16212, 2017).es_ES
dc.subjectPlantas - Metabolismoes_ES
dc.subjectRaíces (Botánica) - Crecimientoes_ES
dc.subjectHormonas vegetaleses_ES
dc.subject.otherType one protein phosphatasees_ES
dc.titleWheat Type One Protein Phosphatase Participates in the Brassinosteroid Control of Root Growth via Activation of BES1.es_ES
dc.centroFacultad de Cienciases_ES
dc.rights.ccAttribution 4.0 Internacional

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