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dc.contributor.authorSánchez, Erica
dc.contributor.authorPérez-López, Daniel
dc.contributor.authorPérez-Galacho, Diego 
dc.contributor.authorHuy-Ho, Tan
dc.contributor.authorWessel, David
dc.contributor.authorCapmany, José
dc.identifier.citationErica Sánchez, Daniel Pérez-López, Diego Pérez-Galacho, Tan huy-ho, David Wessel, and José Capmany, "Modeling amplified arbitrary filtered heterodyne microwave photonic links," Opt. Express 30, 6519-6530 (2022)es_ES
dc.description.abstractWe report an end-to-end analytic model for the computation of the figures of nerit (FOMs) of arbitrarily filtered and amplified heterodyne coherent microwave photonics (MWP) links. It is useful for evaluating the performance of complex systems where the final stage is employed for up/down-converting the radio frequency (RF) signal. We apply the model to a specific case of complex system representing the front-haul segment in a 5G link between the central office and the base station. The model can be however applied to a wider range of cases combining fiber and photonic chip elements and thus is expected to provide a useful and fast tool to analyze them in the design stage.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipHuawei Technologies (YBN202006512); European Research Council (ADG-2016 UMWP-Chip); Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEO 2021/015).es_ES
dc.subjectFiltros ópticoses_ES
dc.subjectAmplificadores ópticoses_ES
dc.subject.otherMicrowave photonicses_ES
dc.subject.otherOptical signalses_ES
dc.subject.otherOptical systemses_ES
dc.subject.otherRadio over fiberes_ES
dc.titleModeling amplified arbitrary filtered heterodyne microwave photonic linkses_ES
dc.centroE.T.S.I. Telecomunicaciónes_ES

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