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dc.contributor.authorCano-López, Julia B.
dc.contributor.authorAnyan, Frederick
dc.contributor.authorGarcía-Sancho, Esperanza
dc.contributor.authorNordahl, Henrik
dc.contributor.authorSalguero-Noguera, José Martín
dc.identifier.citationJulia B. Cano-López, Frederick Anyan, Esperanza García-Sancho, Henrik Nordahl, José M. Salguero, A within-person test of the metacognitive model: Daily dynamics between metacognitive beliefs, metacognitive strategies, and negative affect, Journal of Anxiety Disorders, Volume 107, 2024, 102930, ISSN 0887-6185,
dc.description.abstractThe metacognitive model of psychological disorders highlights that emotional distress is maintained by metacognitive strategies, which are related to underlying metacognitive beliefs. Considerable empirical evidence has supported the role of metacognitions in psychopathology, but few studies have examined the suggested links between metacognitive beliefs, metacognitive strategies, and symptoms within individuals. Within-person effects provide better empirical tests of theory-based hypotheses derived from clinical models as they relate to change at the individual level. Thus, the current study sought to test central predictions from the metacognitive model at the within-person level using Dynamic Structural Equation Modelling (DSEM). A sample of 222 participants gathered at convenience participated in a 26-day long assessment period where they reported daily measures of metacognitive beliefs, metacognitive strategies, and negative affect. Temporal precedence and bidirectional relations between the variables, and the possible day-to-day and within days mediation role of metacognitive strategies between metacognitive beliefs and negative affect, were tested. When controlling for previous days effects, metacognitions and negative affect (but not metacognitive strategies) predicted each other the next day, showing a reciprocal relationship. However, metacognitive strategies were significant mediators between metacognitions and negative affect within days and day-to-day. Implications and future directions based on these findings are discussed.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipFunding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA. This study was part of projects funded by the Spanish Government, Spain (grant number PSI2017-83463-R). The funding source only provided financial support for this study and had no further involvement.es_ES
dc.subjectPsicología cognitivaes_ES
dc.subjectPsicología - Metodologíaes_ES
dc.subject.otherMetacognitive beliefses_ES
dc.subject.otherMetacognitive strategieses_ES
dc.subject.otherCognitive attentional syndromees_ES
dc.subject.otherEmotional regulationes_ES
dc.subject.otherNegative affectes_ES
dc.titleA within-person test of the metacognitive model: Daily dynamics between metacognitive beliefs, metacognitive strategies, and negative affectes_ES
dc.rights.ccAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*

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