Digital competencies are very significant in terms of integrating digital resources into
educational processes. This study presents the validity and reliability of an instrument cre-
ated by Carrera et al. (2011), in order to evaluate the basic digital competence of the three
main educational agents of the educational community (teachers, students, and parents) for
all educational stages (Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Secondary Educa-
tion and Higher Education), making use of digital resources to (1) Skills in management
and transfer of technological data, (2) Software and hardware skills, (3) Web navigation
skills, (4) Skills in using word processors, (5) Data processing and management skills, y
(6) Multimedia presentation design skills. The application of the instrument was carried
out with a sample of 1,149 participants from all educational stages, coming from the
entire territory of the Dominican Republic. Reliability was assessed using various mea-
sures, including Cronbach’s Alpha, Spearman-Brown Coefficient, Guttman’s Two Halves,
McDonald’s Omega, and composite reliability. To validate the instrument, exploratory
factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were carried out with the
purpose of understanding the validity and dimensionality of the scale (comprehension
validity, construct validity, convergent, discriminant and invariance validity). The results
demonstrated highly satisfactory reliability, and in terms of construct validity, a good fit
of the model was observed, valid for any educational agent and for any educational stage.
The final version of the instrument consists of 20 items classified into six latent factors