Mangotoxin production was first described in Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae strains. A phenotypic characterization of 94 P.
syringae strains was carried out to determine the genetic evolution of the mangotoxin biosynthetic operon (mbo). We designed a
PCR primer pair specific for the mbo operon to examine its distribution within the P. syringae complex. These primers amplified
a 692-bp DNA fragment from 52 mangotoxin-producing strains and from 7 non-mangotoxin-producing strains that harbor the
mbo operon, whereas 35 non-mangotoxin-producing strains did not yield any amplification. This, together with the analysis of
draft genomes, allowed the identification of the mbo operon in five pathovars (pathovars aptata, avellanae, japonica, pisi, and
syringae), all of which belong to genomospecies 1, suggesting a limited distribution of the mbo genes in the P. syringae complex.
Phylogenetic analyses using partial sequences from housekeeping genes differentiated three groups within genomospecies 1. All
of the strains containing the mbo operon clustered in groups I and II, whereas those lacking the operon clustered in group III;
however, the relative branching order of these three groups is dependent on the genes used to construct the phylogeny. The mbo
operon maintains synteny and is inserted in the same genomic location, with high sequence conservation around the insertion
point, for all the strains in groups I and II. These data support the idea that the mbo operon was acquired horizontally and only
once by the ancestor of groups I and II from genomospecies 1 within the P. syringae complex.