The continuous changes that society has undergone in recent years must be reflected
in the classroom, which is a challenge for the educational system nowadays. Students
who have been born and who are growing up in a digital age, they are digital native, they
cannot adapt to traditional methodologies as usual and they demand a methodological
shift more current. Active methodologies help this change, but if used one of these active
methodologies in isolation, it may not be possible to take advantage of all the strengths
that they offer. This proposal aims to make explicit the advantages of combining some
of these active methodologies to form a mixed methodology that can cause a change in
the educational paradigm in the subject of mathematics in Secondary Education. For
this, we will explain how to embed methodologies such as cooperative learning, mobile
learning or flipped learning within gamification strategies. Some results are offered
through the observational and experiential method. This will help the student to be the
protagonist by building autonomous, meaningful and more lasting learning, in addition to
promoting motivation, acquisition of some skills and teamwork.