The society of the information where we are currently immersed, it was born as a consequence of the almost unlimited availability of information, which it causes quick and dynamic changes in the productive, economic, civic, organizational and
educative existing approach in the industrial society.In the education sector, as in the rest of the sectors, the use of the ICT has
marked an evolution of the same and since their application in the sector we could appreciate different prospects of use. Already González (2007) differentiated between «Learning from technology» and «Learning with the technology» and
he concluded that it is the second perspective the one that provides a relevant role to the student building his or her own knowledge, developing a critic thinking and a constructive and reflective collaborative process of the same in the context
where it is developed.Taking into consideration these differences, it is clear that the use of ICT requires a change in the role of teachers and students, which means teachers should change from be just transmitters of information to designers of the learning
environments and students should participate in their own design of the learning process (Salinas, 1997; Cabrero, 2010; and De la Serna, 2011).
Inside the current universe of tools and available applications ICT, the ones they allow the change of those roles, we can find the virtual platforms, which allow to plan and structure the process and learning activities and also to restructure the
cognitive process of people if a design of the pedagogical project has previously been realized, following the searched context and sense. Ideas that following Cabero (2014) must have the ICT as means in the transformation process of education.
One of the learning platforms more extended and used in the Spanish education sector is Moodle (Module Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment)
(Molist, 2006).