La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ-Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95 (LSCF-CGO) nanostructured cathodes with different LSCF-content are
prepared in a single step by spray-pyrolysis deposition, simplifying notably the fabrication process compared to
the traditional methods. The phase formation, structure, microstructure and electrochemical properties of the
cathodes are investigated as a function of the CGO-content and the temperature by using X-ray diffraction,
electron microscopy and impedance spectroscopy. The addition of CGO to LSCF limits the grain growth, giving
rise to fine particles of approximately 30 nm of diameter after sintering at 800 °C. A small particle size of 50 nm
is retained even after sintering at 1000 °C. However, the polarization resistance, determined by impedance
spectroscopy, is not significantly improved with the CGO-addition. The performance of these nanocomposite
electrodes, investigated in NiOeCGO anode-supported cells, shows an improved power density of 0.9 Wcm−2 at
650 °C, compared to 0.56 Wcm−2 for a conventional screen-printed cathode.