We consider the Hilbert-type operator defined by
where {Bωζ}ζ∈D
are the reproducing kernels of the Bergman space A2ω induced by a radial weight ω in the unit disc D. We prove that Hω is bounded on the Hardy space Hp, 1<p<∞
, if and only if
where ωˆ(r)=∫1rω(s)ds
. We also prove that Hω:H1→H1 is bounded if and only if (†
) holds and
As for the case p=∞
, Hω is bounded from H∞ to \mathord \mathrm{BMOA}, or to the Bloch space, if and only if (†) holds. In addition, we prove that there does not exist radial weights ω such that Hω:Hp→Hp, 1≤p<∞, is compact and we consider the action of Hω on some spaces of analytic functions closely related to Hardy spaces.