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dc.contributor.authorPeña Trabalón, Alejandro
dc.contributor.authorEstébanez-Campos, María Belén 
dc.contributor.authorMoreno-Vegas, Salvador
dc.contributor.authorPérez-Blanca, Ana
dc.contributor.authorPrado-Novoa, María
dc.description.abstractSurgical treatment of meniscal root detachment is changing from partial meniscectomy to root reinsertion with sutures due to alterations in the knee joint contact biomechanics and early cartilage loss development. Suture fixation techniques of meniscal roots can be grouped into transtibial and in situ fixations, both techniques pierce the meniscal horn to pass a suture thread through the hole and reconnect meniscus to bone. Despite its importance for the survival of the repair, few works focus on determining the resistance of meniscal tissue cut-out by direct thread traction on the suture hole and, as far as we are aware, the influence of age on this resistance has not been yet studied.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Proyecto UMA20-FEDERJA-116es_ES
dc.subjectMenisco - Cirugíaes_ES
dc.subject.otherSutured meniscuses_ES
dc.subject.otherMeniscal root detachmentes_ES
dc.subject.otherSurgical treatmentes_ES
dc.subject.otherAge influencees_ES
dc.titleAge influence on cut-out resistance of sutured meniscus: An experimental cadaveric studyes_ES
dc.centroEscuela de Ingenierías Industrialeses_ES
dc.relation.eventtitle28 Congreso de la Sociedad Europea de Biomecánica (ESB)es_ES
dc.relation.eventplaceMaastricht, Países Bajoses_ES
dc.relation.eventdateJulio 2023es_ES

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