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dc.contributor.authorBernaola-Galván, Pedro Ángel 
dc.contributor.authorCarpena-Sánchez, Pedro Juan 
dc.contributor.authorGómez-Martín, Cristina
dc.contributor.authorOliver, José L.
dc.identifier.citationBernaola-Galván P, Carpena P, Gómez-Martín C, Oliver JL. Compositional Structure of the Genome: A Review. Biology. 2023; 12(6):849.
dc.description.abstractAs the genome carries the historical information of a species’ biotic and environmental interactions, analyzing changes in genome structure over time by using powerful statistical physics methods (such as entropic segmentation algorithms, fluctuation analysis in DNA walks, or measures of compositional complexity) provides valuable insights into genome evolution. Nucleotide frequencies tend to vary along the DNA chain, resulting in a hierarchically patchy chromosome structure with heterogeneities at different length scales that range from a few nucleotides to tens of millions of them. Fluctuation analysis reveals that these compositional structures can be classified into three main categories: (1) short-range heterogeneities (below a few kilobase pairs (Kbp)) primarily attributed to the alternation of coding and noncoding regions, interspersed or tandem repeats densities, etc.; (2) isochores, spanning tens to hundreds of tens of Kbp; and (3) superstructures, reaching sizes of tens of megabase pairs (Mbp) or even larger. The obtained isochore and superstructure coordinates in the first complete T2T human sequence are now shared in a public database. In this way, interested researchers can use T2T isochore data, as well as the annotations for different genome elements, to check a specific hypothesis about genome structure. Similarly to other levels of biological organization, a hierarchical compositional structure is prevalent in the genome. Once the compositional structure of a genome is identified, various measures can be derived to quantify the heterogeneity of such structure. The distribution of segment G+C content has recently been proposed as a new genome signature that proves to be useful for comparing complete genomes. Another meaningful measure is the sequence compositional complexity (SCC), which has been used for genome structure comparisons. [...]es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipPartial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málagaes_ES
dc.subjectGenoma humanoes_ES
dc.subject.otherDNA compositional structurees_ES
dc.subject.otherSequence compositional complexityes_ES
dc.subject.otherSegment compositional signaturees_ES
dc.subject.otherHierarchical genome structurees_ES
dc.subject.otherEvolutionary adaptive trendses_ES
dc.titleCompositional Structure of the Genome: A Review.es_ES
dc.centroFacultad de Cienciases_ES
dc.rights.ccAtribución 4.0 Internacional*

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