Psychosocial and Health Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic Experienced by Staff Employed in SocialWelfare Facilities in Poland and Spain
2023-02-14 -
Palabras clave
Servicios sociales - España; Servicios sociales - Polonia; COVID-19 - Influencia y consecuencias; Epidemias - Aspectos sociales; Trabajadores sociales - Salud mental -
The COVID-19 pandemic had a very significant negative impact on the physical and mental health of various professional groups. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the psychosocial and health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic experienced by staff employed in social welfare institutions in Poland and Spain. The study involved 407 people, including 207 from Poland and 200 from Spain (346 women and 61 men), working in social care facilities. The research tool was the authors’ questionnaire consisting of 23 closed-ended, single- or multiple-choice questions. The study has indicated that the COVID-19 pandemic had negative health and psychosocial effects on employees of social welfare facilities. In addition, it has been shown that the severity of the psychosocial and health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic differed between the countries studied. Employees from Spain statistically significantly more often declared deterioration in most of the surveyed indicators, except for mood deterioration, which was experienced more by employees from Poland than their peers from Spain
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