Listar THECO - Artículos por título
Mostrando ítems 45-64 de 87
Macroeconomic Determinants of Air Travel Demand in Spain.
(University of Bath, 2020-01-01)This paper constructs and estimates a panel data model that predicts the number of air traffic passengers from several macroeconomic and geographic variables. The model is estimated with data from Spain (1999–2014) at the ... -
Macroeconomic volatility and international integration.
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2014-04-21)This paper explores the effects that varying degrees of international openness have on macroeco- nomic volatility. The analysis is conducted for a two-symmetric-country world under three levels of international integration: ... -
Málaga y la marca territorio en el cine del turismo del franquismo
(scientific society iManagement &Tourism, 2017)Las tecnologías de la información, la red de redes, los cambios políticos, sociales y culturales experimentados en todo el mundo y, especialmente, el fenómeno de la globalización, han logrado redefinir los conceptos de la ... -
Marca terriorio y marca ciudad. Utilidad en el ámbito del turismo: el caso de Málaga
(iManagement and Tourism, 2017)La presente contribución pretende establecer la dinámica y la lógica de la construcción y gestión de las marcas de ciudad en la actualidad, bajo el prisma del marketing turistico. Para ello se realiza un recorrido desde ... -
Maritime Transport in the Spanish Economy in the Decades of Consolidation of Democracy (1975–1995)
(IOAP-MDPI, 2022-11-14)This research analyzes the traffic of goods through the ports managed by the Port Authorities of the Spanish port system from the beginning of democracy in Spain to the end of the 21st century; a period that shows the ... -
Measuring the diversification of energy sources: The energy mix
(Elsevier, 2023-11)In this paper we explore the concept of concentration/diversification of energy sources. Concentration is identified by a number that represents the energy mix, i.e., the vector of the share quota of each energy source in ... -
El mercado de los cruceros en cifras en el siglo XXI cruise industry by the numbers in the XXI century
(EUMED. Universidad de Málaga, 2014)La trayectoria de crecimiento del sector cruceros en la última década, es clave para entender el progreso de este segmento turístico. Este artículo analiza la evolución del turismo de cruceros en el mundo, atendiendo al ... -
Mergers in Cournot Markets with Environmental Externality and Product Differentiation.
(Elsevier, 2016)Due to the extensive work on why mergers take place our understanding of merger incentives has improved. However, there are not many studies examining how differences in pollution parameters between post and pre-merger ... -
Las movilizaciones de masas del franquismo. Un viaje voluntario del Kirch a la cultura basura
(2015-10-26)Las movilizaciones de masas del franquismo suponían un mecanismo de control de la población y una forma de hacer evidente los mensajes de la dictadura franquista centrados en su máximo dirigente. Utilizando un modelo ... -
Multilateral and unilateral policy reform of emission taxes and abatement subsidies in a two-country model with oligopolistic interdependence.
(Springer, 2013)This paper considers a two-country model with oligopolistic interdependence where firms make their output and emission decisions simultaneously, and face an emission tax and abatement subsidy. The impact of multilateral ... -
Nash implementation of supermajority rules
(Springer Nature, 2024-02-23)A committee of n experts from a university department must choose whom to hire from a set of m candidates. Their honest judgments about the best candidate must be aggregated to determine the socially optimal candidates. ... -
On the control of competitive balance in the major European football leagues
(Wiley, 2022-10-17)Authorities in the economic field (European Commission and US Federal Trade Commission) focus on the level of market concentration and establish limits in order to promote competition. However, sports authorities do not ... -
Personal lies
(Elsevier, 2023-12-24)Using the mind game, we provide experimental evidence that people are more likely to lie when they disclose non-personal information (e.g., reporting a number they thought of) compared with personal information (e.g., ... -
Policy reform of emission taxes and environmental research and development incentives in an international Cournot model with product differentiation.
(Cambridge University Press, 2013)This paper studies multilateral and unilateral policy reforms of environmental R&D subsidies and emission taxes in a two-country Cournot model with oligopolistic interdependence. The analysis indicates, inter alia, that ... -
Pricing and Usage: An Empirical Analysis of Lines of Credit.
(Elsevier, 2017-09-06)The hypothesis that committed revolving credit lines with fixed spreads can provide firms with interest rate insurance is a standard feature of models on these credit facilities’ interest rate structure. Nevertheless, this ... -
Product Quality and Price Dynamics over the Business Cycle.
(2021-06-16)Two puzzling facts of international real business cycles are (1) weak or negative correlations between the terms of trade and output, and (2) a rise in relative consumption for countries where national goods become relatively ... -
Recovery Measures for the Tourism Industry in Andalusia: Residents as Tourist Consumers.
(MDPI, 2022-06-08)The pandemic caused by the coronavirus continues to test barriers around the world. In this sense, the tourism industry has become the sector most affected by the crisis with more than 900 million euros in losses. Recovery ... -
Reputation and news suppression in the media industry
(Elsevier, 2020-09-30)This paper proposes a new argument to explain why media firms silence information and why this behavior may vary across firms and market structures. We build on the literature of career concerns and consider firms that ... -
Reputation and perverse transparency under two concerns.
(Elsevier, 2023-07-25)Quite often an expert takes position on an issue where certain actions can be perceived as biased. If the expert has an informational concern and she does not want the listener to perceive her as biased, she has an incentive ... -
Sankey diagrams for macroeconomics: A teaching complement bridging undergraduate and graduate Macro
(Wiley, 2022-09-09)Background The diagnosis of allergic reactions to penicillins (AR-PEN) is very complex as there is a loss of sensitization over time, which leads to negative skin tests (STs) and specific IgE in serum, and even to tolerance ...