Listar THECO - Artículos por título
Mostrando ítems 31-50 de 87
Far above others.
(Elsevier, 2021-10-29)We study the role of competitiveness, via interpersonal comparisons, in a society or a large organization. We consider a dynamic model of effort provision. Agents gain an extra utility by producing an outcome above a ... -
Foreign direct investment under fiscal interdependence when policy is set unilaterally.
(Springer, 2017)This paper develops a partial equilibrium model of foreign direct investment to analyze the potentially opposing interests between a host and foreign country. The two countries are fiscally interdependent and the fiscal ... -
Garbling an evaluation to retain an advantage
(Elsevier, 2025-02)We study information transmission in a model of career concerns in which experts evaluate their worth based on social comparisons. There are two experts, each of whom receives an informative signal about the state of the ... -
Green Alliances and the Role of Taxation.
(Springer, 2019-08-08)We examine two alternative strategies that an environmental group can embark when interacting with a firm. The first one which is already discussed in the literature is when the group campaigns against the firm. The second ... -
Heterogeneity in general multinomial choice models
(2022-05-25)Different voters behave differently at the polls, different students make different university choices, or different countries choose different health care systems. Many research questions important to social scientists ... -
Horizontal product differentiation and policy adjustment in the presence of abatement subsidies and emission taxes.
(Taylor & Francis, 2014-10-28)There are important examples of countries which have implemented policies to promote pollution abatement activities in sectors characterized by some degree of product differentiation. This paper examines the role of ... -
How powerful are network effects? A skill-biased technological approach.
(Cambridge University Press, 2020)ven for the standard skill-biased technological change (SBTC) literature, the generic rise in the skill premium in the face of the relative increase in skilled workers since the 1980s seems a little puzzling. We develop a ... -
Implementation in dominant strategies of quota rules to choose one candidate
(Elsevier, 2022-04-28)A group of experts has to pick one winner from a group of candidates. Each expert has a judgment about who is the best candidate. A social choice rule (SCR) is a function that aggregates experts’ judgments to determine the ... -
Industry concentration and wage inequality: a directed technical change approach.
(Springer Nature, 2018-10-03)Despite several theoretical approaches linking rising market power to more income inequality, a theoretical-based empirical quantification of this relationship has not been made. We devised a directed technical change model ... -
Innovación docente en Historia Económica: Avances en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje universitario.
(GKA, 2022)Las características de la enseñanza universitaria actual hacen necesaria una constante búsqueda de innovaciones que permitan introducir mejoras en la misma. Este artículo pretende dar a conocer las principales ... -
Institutional flexibility, political alternation and middle-of-the-road policies
(Elsevier, 2021-12-30)This paper presents a novel explanation for political alternation in democracies, rooted in the benefit for the median voter of keeping policy from drifting too far to either extreme. Central to this argument is the idea ... -
Land capital and emissions convergence in an extended Green Solow model
(Cambridge University Press, 2022-06)The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the contribution of land capital to the growth of emissions and income per capita in the long run. We collect new satellite data from the Earth Observatory to obtain estimates ... -
Learning by doing, organizational forgetting, and the business cycle
(Wiley, 2022-05-03)This paper supplements a learning-by-doing real busi-ness cycle model with endogenous organizational for-getting. Empirical evidence shows that the accumulatedexperience decay rate is not constant over the busi-ness cycle, ... -
Local content and emission taxes when the number of foreign firms is endogenous.
(Springer Nature, 2017)There is a wide range of countries which have employed local content requirements to promote jobs and meet national green energy objectives. At the same time market-based policies (e.g., emission taxes) have been implemented ... -
Macroeconomic Determinants of Air Travel Demand in Spain.
(University of Bath, 2020-01-01)This paper constructs and estimates a panel data model that predicts the number of air traffic passengers from several macroeconomic and geographic variables. The model is estimated with data from Spain (1999–2014) at the ... -
Macroeconomic volatility and international integration.
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2014-04-21)This paper explores the effects that varying degrees of international openness have on macroeco- nomic volatility. The analysis is conducted for a two-symmetric-country world under three levels of international integration: ... -
Málaga y la marca territorio en el cine del turismo del franquismo
(scientific society iManagement &Tourism, 2017)Las tecnologías de la información, la red de redes, los cambios políticos, sociales y culturales experimentados en todo el mundo y, especialmente, el fenómeno de la globalización, han logrado redefinir los conceptos de la ... -
Marca terriorio y marca ciudad. Utilidad en el ámbito del turismo: el caso de Málaga
(iManagement and Tourism, 2017)La presente contribución pretende establecer la dinámica y la lógica de la construcción y gestión de las marcas de ciudad en la actualidad, bajo el prisma del marketing turistico. Para ello se realiza un recorrido desde ... -
Maritime Transport in the Spanish Economy in the Decades of Consolidation of Democracy (1975–1995)
(IOAP-MDPI, 2022-11-14)This research analyzes the traffic of goods through the ports managed by the Port Authorities of the Spanish port system from the beginning of democracy in Spain to the end of the 21st century; a period that shows the ... -
Measuring the diversification of energy sources: The energy mix
(Elsevier, 2023-11)In this paper we explore the concept of concentration/diversification of energy sources. Concentration is identified by a number that represents the energy mix, i.e., the vector of the share quota of each energy source in ...