Brain-computer interfaces (BCI) are a type of assistive technology (AT) that uses the brain signals of users to establish a communication and control channel between them and an external device (usually a computer). BCI systems may be a suitable tool to restore communication skills in severely motor-disabled patients, as BCI do not rely on muscular control. There are several diseases that cause severe impairment of motor skills in affected patients, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The loss of communication (mainly with family and caregivers) is considered by ALS patients as even more negative than the loss of physical aspects. Another interesting assistive technology to improve the quality of life of these patients is the control of a domotic system through a BCI. Therefore, the objective of this work is to present the latest developed application of the UMA BCI group to provide communication and control system through brain activity for ALS patients. This application will focus on the use of a BCI that could allow patient communication through some of the most common messaging applications on a smartphone (WhatsApp, e-mail and SMS), and domotic control for controlling device such as a TV, air conditioner, music and lights. The control of the BCI is achieved through the well-known visual P300 row-column paradigm (RCP), allowing the user to select control commands as well as spelling characters.