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- Química Inorgánica, Cristalografía y Mineralografía - (QICM)
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Listar QICM - Artículos por autor "Campos, Carlos E. M."
Mostrando ítems 1-3 de 3
Hydration and interactions between pure and doped C3S and C3A in the presence of different calcium sulfates
Neto, José da Silva Andrade; De Matos, Paulo R.; Gómez-de-la-Torre, María de los Ángeles; Campos, Carlos E. M.; Torres, Sandro M.; Monteiro, Paulo J. M.; Kirchheim, Ana Paula[et al.] (2022)
This research studied the hydration of C3S-C3A-calcium sulfate systems made of combinations of two C3S (pure triclinic and Al-doped monoclinic), two C3A (pure cubic C3A and Na-doped orthorhombic), and two calcium sulfates ... -
In-situ laboratory X-ray diffraction applied to assess cement hydration.
De Matos, Paulo R.; Neto, José da Silva Andrade; Jansen, Daniel; Gómez-de-la-Torre, María de los Ángeles; Kirchheim, Ana Paula; Campos, Carlos E. M.[et al.] (Elsevier, 2022)
In-situ X-ray diffraction (XRD) is a powerful tool to assess the hydration of cementitious materials, providing time-resolved quantitative analysis with reasonable accuracy without disturbing sample. However, the lack ... -
The role of sodium and sulfate sources on the rheology and hydration of C3A polymorphs
Neto, José da Silva Andrade; Gómez-de-la-Torre, María de los Ángeles; Campos, Carlos E. M.; Gleize, Philippe J. P.; Monteiro, Paulo J. M.; Kirchheim, Ana Paula; Martos, Paulo R. de[et al.] (Elsevier, 2022)
The higher reactivity of orthorhombic C3A (ort-C3A) in sulfate-containing solutions, compared with cubic C3A (cb-C3A), was previously related to the differences in crystal structure or the sodium in the ort-C3A pore solution. ...