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Listar QICM - Artículos por autor "Frontera, Carlos"
Mostrando ítems 1-1 de 1
Structure, Atomistic Simulations, and Phase Transition of Stoichiometric Yeelimite
Cuesta-García, Ana María; Gómez-de-la-Torre, María de los Ángeles; Losilla, Enrique R.; Peterson, Vanessa K.; Rejmak, Pawel; Ayuela, Andrés; Frontera, Carlos; García-Aranda, Miguel Ángel
[et al.] (ACS publications, 2013)
ABSTRACT: Yeelimite, Ca4[Al6O12]SO4, is outstanding as an aluminate sodalite, being the framework of these type of materials flexible and dependent on ion sizes and anion ordering/disordering. On the other hand, yeelimite ...