Química Analítica - (QA): Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 21-40 de 192
Spectral identification in the attogram regime through laser-induced emission of single optically-trapped nanoparticles in air.
(Wiley-VCH, 2017-09-06)Current trends in nanoengineering are bringing along new structures of diverse chemical compositions that need to be meticulously defined in order to ensure their correct operation. Few methods can provide the sensitivity ... -
Sub-femtogram simultaneous elemental detection in multicomponent nanomatrices using laser-induced plasma emission spectroscopy within atmospheric pressure optical traps.
(American Chemical Society, 2019-05-10)Simultaneous detection of multiple constituents in the characterization of state-of-the-art nanomaterials is an elusive topic to a majority of the analytical techniques covering the field of nanotechnology. Optical catapulting ... -
Optical trapping as a morphologically selective tool for in-situ LIBS elemental characterization of single nanoparticles generated by laser ablation of bulk targets in air
(American Chemical Society, 2021-01-05)In the present work, authors introduce a shape-specific methodology for evaluating the full elemental composition of single micro and nanoparticles fabricated by laser ablation of bulk targets. For this purpose, bronze ... -
Discriminating organic carbon from endokarstic moonmilk-type deposits by LIBS. The case of a natural carbonated Martian analogue
(Elsevier, 2024-01-06)Moonmilk-type deposits exemplify carbonated Martian analogues existing in the subsurface of Earth, an endokarstic speleothem with a possible biochemical origin composed principally by carbonates, mainly huntite and dolomite. ... -
Differentiation of closely related mineral phases in Mars atmosphere using frequency domain laser-induced plasma acoustics.
(Elsevier, 2022-08-16)The combination of data yielded by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and laser-induced plasma acoustics (LIPAc) is a topic of many prospective applications as these coexisting phenomena can cover different sample ... -
sp-ICP-MS and HR–CS–GFAAS as useful available techniques for the size characterization and speciation of ionic and nanoparticular zinc in cosmetic and pharmaceutical samples
(Elsevier, 2023-10-29)The use of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) in cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry has been increased in recent years due to their good properties as solar radiation filters and antibacterial agent. According to the ... -
A novel material for Sb speciation in aqueous samples.
(2023)In this work, a new double-reactor method for the analysis and speciation of trace amounts of SbIII/SbV in environmental samples has been developed combining online magnetic solid phase extraction (MSPE) with graphite ... -
Simultaneous preconcentration and determination of trace metals (V, Ni, Ti, and Ga) in environmental samples by high resolution continuum source electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry.
(2023)In this work is presented a simple, sensitive, low-cost method for direct and simultaneous determination of V, Ti, Ni and Ga by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometer (ETAAS) in aqueous environmental samples (tap ... -
Optimization of the mechanochemical synthesis of graphene oxide and its characterization. Application to the synthesis of magnetic graphene oxide.
(2023)Nowadays, the use of materials derived from graphene oxide (GO) is extended in the technologycal industry and research due to their excellent physico-chemical properties. This fact invites us to investigate a sustainable ... -
Arsenic remediation using a new magnetic system in potable aqueous samples.
(2023)Arsenic, one of the main environmental pollutants and potent natural poison, is a chemical element that is spread throughout the Earth's crust. It is well known that the toxicity of arsenic is highly dependent on its ... -
Últimas noticias: la química en las misiones de exploración al Planeta Rojo.
(2023)Marte ha sido objeto de nuestra atención desde tiempos inmemoriales. Su singular color rojizo en el firmamento, su relativa proximidad a nuestro planeta y las observaciones primitivas a partir de la invención del telescopio ... -
Ensayos de flujo lateral y sensores electroquímicos basados en ADN desde su diseño hasta su aplicación en entornos clínicos.
(2023)La charla aborda el proceso completo de desarrollo y aplicación de ensayos de flujo lateral y sensores electroquímicos basados en ADN en entornos clínicos. Se explora desde la fase inicial de diseño, pasando por la selección ... -
Deep-UV laser-induced breakdown spectrometry and laser-ionization mass spectrometry for astrochemistry studies.
(2023)The recent ambitions of different national space agencies to return to the Moon and to potentially set up a permanent moon base soon, have triggered the interest to adapt different analysis techniques to the conditions of ... -
The use of YouTube in Chemistry classes to motivate students.
(2023)This communication describes an educational practice developed in the Chemistry subject, of the first year of the Degree in Electrical Engineering (University of Malaga, Spain). Based on the selection of a series of ... -
Ultrafast Laser Excitation Improves LIBS Performance for the Analysis of Optically Trapped Single Nanoparticles Owing to Characteristic Interaction Mechanisms
(ACS, 2023-09-20)Owing to the exceedingly small mass involved, complete elemental characterization of single nanoparticles demands a highly precise control of signal background and noise sources. LIBS has demonstrated remarkable merits for ... -
Detection of indigenous organic matter in rocks from the interpretation of carbon molecular forms in the laser-induced plasma.
(2023)Oil shale, a sedimentary rock containing organic matter and a variety of inorganic minerals including carbonates and kerogens, serves as a significant source of organic material on Earth [1]. Kerogen, the most abundant ... -
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy of samples of astrochemical interest handled as individual particles by means of non-inertial acoustic confinement.
(2023)The present communication will show experiments performed with an acoustic levitator capable of trapping individual solid particles of different sizes (preferably in the range between 0.1 - 5 mm), shapes, and chemical ... -
Detection of kerogens in sedimentary rocks by LIBS. Implications for the search for biosignatures on Mars.
(2023)Oil shale is a sedimentary rock that naturally contains organic matter. In its chemical composition presents a wide range of inorganic minerals including carbonates, silicates, etc. and kerogens – a mixture of fossil ... -
Ultrafast laser excitation in atmospheric pressure optical traps for studying attogram mass nanoparticles.
(2023)Owing to the exceedingly small mass involved, complete elemental characterization of single nanoparticles demands a highly precise control of signal background and noise sources. LIBS has demonstrated remarkable merits for ... -
Calculate content of vitamin C in a pharmaceutical compound. PBL used as a strategy to make easy to learn chemistry at university.
(2023)In Project-Based Learning, teacher transmits to the students the contents that the curriculum marks, helping to motivate them and awaken their concerns about the previous knowledge. This way of working intends that students ...