Listar Química Analítica - (QA) por título
Mostrando ítems 178-197 de 201
Técnicas láser para el análisis y diagnóstico de bienes de interés patrimonial: estudio de materiales de la Catedral de Málaga y de colecciones del Museo Arqueológico Provincial
(Universidad de Málaga, Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2007)Esta tesis supone el desarrollo de la técnica LIBS para el análisis y diagnóstico de bienes patrimoniales, centrándose en el estudio de los materiales de construcción de la Catedral Málaga y de colecciones metálicas del ... -
Tecnología LIBS Subacuática. Investigación, Desarrollo y Aplicación al Estudio de Materiales Arqueológicos Sumergidos
(Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2015)Para estudiar, proteger y conservar los bienes sumergidos es necesario avanzar decididamente en la localización, identificación y evaluación del patrimonio arqueológico subacuático, manteniendo intacto, en la medida de lo ... -
Temporal and energetic scale of solid matter interaction phenomena occurring during femtosecond ablation of solids
(2013-11-22)Ablation using femtosecond lasers exhibits significant differences with that at the nanosecond timescale, where the concurrence of photochemical and photothermal processes taking place during the photon absorption govern ... -
Temporal evolution of surfaces on materials after femtosecond laser irradiation: The earliest stages (Oral presentation)
(2015-10-26)Ablation using femtosecond lasers exhibits significant differences in comparison with the nanosecond timescales. Ultrashort laser-matter interaction provides the observation of different phenomena as there is neither ... -
The C-Terminus of H-Ras as a Target for the Covalent Binding of Reactive Compounds Modulating Ras-Dependent Pathways
(PLOS One, 2011-01)Ras proteins are crucial players in differentiation and oncogenesis and constitute important drug targets. The localization and activity of Ras proteins are highly dependent on posttranslational modifications at their ... -
The crucial role of molecular emissions on LIBS differentiation of organic compounds of interest in astrobiology under a Mars simulated atmosphere
(Elsevier, 2022-12-04)In this work, the influence of Martian atmosphere on the recombination mechanisms in laser-induced plasmas of organic compounds of interest in astrobiology has been closely examined. The proposed LIBS methodology reveals ... -
The history of a surface in a single laser shot: from ultrafast carriers excitation to plasma emission, fading, and beyond
(UMA Editorial, 2021-03-02)Laser ablation is currently a powerful tool in a wide range of aplications, concerning from removing several atoms from a surface to mechanical drilling. Despite all this applications are described by complex physico-chemical ... -
The sound of geological targets on Mars from the absolute intensity of laser-induced sparks shock waves
(Elsevier, 2023)Inspection of geological material is one of the main goals of the Perseverance rover during its journey across the landscape of the Jezero crater in Mars. NASA's rover integrates SuperCam, an instrument capable of performing ... -
The sources, progress and frontiers of an exciting technology: Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
(2017-07-11)Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) is currently considered one of the most active research areas in the field of analytical spectroscopy. LIBS has emerged as a powerful alternative for chemical analysis in a wide ... -
The use of simulations and videos in order to improve the learning of REDOX reactions in Engineering Degrees
(2016-11-21)Many students from secondary schools to universities in many countries struggle to learn chemistry and many do not succeed. Many high school and university students experience difficulties with fundamental ideas in chemistry ... -
The use of YouTube in Chemistry classes to motivate students.
(2023)This communication describes an educational practice developed in the Chemistry subject, of the first year of the Degree in Electrical Engineering (University of Malaga, Spain). Based on the selection of a series of ... -
Time-resolved laser-induced phase change microscopy: understanding laser-matter effects at the femtosecond scale
(2014-10-08)LA comunicación describe el desarrollo instrumental y las aplicaciones con un microscopio de cambio de fase con resolución de femtosegundos que se ha puesto a punto en el LAboratorio LAser de la UMA -
La toxicología forense: una herramienta indispensable en la sociedad actual
(2016-04-13)La Química Forense es, actualmente, una especialidad cuyo desarrollo ha sido vertiginoso en los últimos 10-15 años, siendo la Toxicología Forense una de sus vertientes y de los mayores retos para el químico forense en ... -
Últimas noticias: la química en las misiones de exploración al Planeta Rojo.
(2023)Marte ha sido objeto de nuestra atención desde tiempos inmemoriales. Su singular color rojizo en el firmamento, su relativa proximidad a nuestro planeta y las observaciones primitivas a partir de la invención del telescopio ... -
Ultrafast Laser Excitation Improves LIBS Performance for the Analysis of Optically Trapped Single Nanoparticles Owing to Characteristic Interaction Mechanisms
(ACS, 2023-09-20)Owing to the exceedingly small mass involved, complete elemental characterization of single nanoparticles demands a highly precise control of signal background and noise sources. LIBS has demonstrated remarkable merits for ... -
Ultrafast laser excitation in atmospheric pressure optical traps for studying attogram mass nanoparticles.
(2023)Owing to the exceedingly small mass involved, complete elemental characterization of single nanoparticles demands a highly precise control of signal background and noise sources. LIBS has demonstrated remarkable merits for ... -
Understanding The Correlation Of Libs And Acoustic Measurements Of Rocks And Soils Found In The Traverse Of The Perseverance Rover Across The Jezero Crater, Mars
(2022)The SuperCam instrument of the NASA MARS 2020 Perseverance rover combines a suite of atomic and molecular spectroscopies intended for an extensive description of rocks, soils and minerals in the surroundings of the landing ... -
Use of a new enrichment nanosorbent for speciation of mercury by FI-CV-ICP-MS
(2015-07-20)Mercury is one of the most toxic environmental pollutants and its effects on human and ecosystem health are well known. All mercury species are toxic, with organic mercury compounds generally being more toxic than inorganic ... -
The use of flipped classroom to learn a new language at the University
(2020-03-30)The Flipped Classroom model consists on a type of blended learning that reverses the traditional learning environment by delivering instructional content outside of the classroom and usually on line. Most descriptions of ... -
Using a periodic table multimedia in order to simplify a new universal language, the chemical language
(2014-11-17)There is a little bit analogy between chemistry and foreign languages. Most languages have different alphabets for each one. In order to learn a second language, one needs to know the new symbols. In chemical language, ...